Hello, first of all thanks for dev this device. Works great… Can someone provide a Ubuntu Server 16.04 (Xenail) image with preinstalled ssh?
Would be great… thanks
Hello, first of all thanks for dev this device. Works great… Can someone provide a Ubuntu Server 16.04 (Xenail) image with preinstalled ssh?
Would be great… thanks
Since I searched for a working OS image for the M3 and did found none here I stumbled accross Armbian. They have SSH enabled, M1/M1+ are fully supported and it seems they added Xenial support with their next release: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/881-prepare-v51-v201604/
If they provide Xenial next time I try to switch from Bananian/Jessie to Armbian/Xenial with my BPi Pro also
Hi Brian, thanks for your answer…!! Yes I’m following Armbian as well and also worked with their images (Trusty)… works quite well, also hardware support is excellent… the thing is, it’s a Ubuntu Images with X installed (xfce)… the do-release-upgrade doesnt work as expected and even installing the ubunt-server packages via tasksel breaks something (dont have a screen to check whats going wrong), also deinstaling the X packages it’s problematic. I think they are working on Xenial on Armbian. I hope also they are compiling a ubuntu-server image… Give you an answer later and I’m going to re-check the forum for new answer.
I give you a message if I will find something.