BPI-M1 no GUI after apt-upgrade

I have a BPI-M1 with Armbian installed. Recently I performed a apt-update then apt-upgrade on it. The upgrade was successful without major error. However, after the upgrade I found out that the desktop does not show up. Using Alt-Ctrl-Function keys I can get to log in normally but neither startx nor service lightdm start work. Several things to notice are: There is an xorg session error log showing a bunch of Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module" messages. I followed the answer of 20.04 - Failed to load module “xapp-gtk3-module” - Ask Ubuntu and installed xapp. I then deleted the error logs and it never appeared again. However, this does not fix the issue. Attempts to do Xorg -configure result in ‘No devices to configure, Configuration failed’ and then ‘(EE) Server terminated with error (2). Closing log file’. I tried to add a ‘60-video-card.conf’ file to both /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/, this has no effect on the issue. Content of the file I added:

Section "Device"
Identifier "fb0"
Driver "modesetting"

(By using dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/fb0 command it can be determined that fb0 is the main HDMI output) Finally, during boot there is a warning message:

driver "simple-framebuffer" is already registered aborting

Since the issue seem to be xorg not seeing display device, I consider this to be the root cause. However, although several people had the same issue before, none of their questions got answered.

Try Armbian forums for this and similar devices. They all (Allwinner A20) must share this problem.

I have considered doing so. But the BPI-M1 was listed as community support on Armbian, as the rules go it would be inappropriate to post this issue there.

Armbian has community that is behind this software.