Hi, I have just received a new BPI-F3 and I tried to follow the instructions to flash it.
First, I used “dd” on Linux to write the bianbu*.img image to the SD card, then I’ve put the card into the reader and restarted the board. I’m also connected to the serial and all I see is:
The red and green LEDs are on and there is no signal on HDMI.
Then I tried to flash the eMMC via Titantools using the bianbu-23.10-nas-k1-v1.0rc3-release-20240525131412.zip image. I’ve put the board in flashing mode by pressing the FDL button at startup. The tool seems to work initial, but then it times out with error:
I’ve had different results burning images. Try using Balena Etcher and let it do the verify after write.
Had a lot of issues with SD cards, they were really my fault they were so old they were on their way out. I bough some new ones and have not had a problem.
Also had issues burning with the raspberry pi imager compared to Balena. With my new SD cards I don’t have issues now.
Beside checking the sd card is not corrupted, maybe make sure you are powering the board with 12V.
I used many SD and never had problems, but I’m using a 18W and 30W PD hub/charger.
I tried two different SD cards, one of which is new, and I get the same result with both.
About the power, I’ve tried both with a 12V/2A power supply and with a USB cable connected to the docking station. I’ll try to see if I can find something better.
BTW, I noticed that the “Getting started” page has a section “Solution for 2G DDR version unable to start” where it suggests to update the “ddr_cs_num” value to 1 in the eeprom via titantools. Mine is a 2GB version and so probably it needs the change. However, I haven’t been able to set the value until now, as the tool always reports a timeout.
Thanks to all for the suggestions, I have made some progress finally.
I’ve used a real Windows 11 machine (instead of a Windows VM on Linux with USB passthrough) and I was able to change the “ddr_cs_num” eeprom value to 1 via titan tools (as my board has only 2GB of RAM). I was also able to flash the bianbu image on the eMMC and now it boots properly.
I’m still not able to boot from the SD, as u-boot reports that no card is inserted (I tried two different cards):
=> mmc info
MMC: no card present
mmc_init: -123, time 1
I tried flashing both with Balena Etcher and dd (with status=progress), but it seems the board isn’t even detecting the card. I will investigate more.
What you could try since you have access to the debug console is to boot via TFTP. I already have the commands written out so you can just copy and paste them in to your console.
Change the IP addresses obviously for your system.
Hello, I’m having a similar problem with my BPI-F3. While trying to write the emmc with the titanflash utility on Windows, I accidentally erased the eeprom. Now it will only boot an armbian image. With all other images, the green led remains lit and no activity. How could I recover the board?
I tried to write the emmc with utility again, and after decompressing the image, the utility states missing files: fastboot.yaml, partition_universal.json and some other, for which I have no template. Any help would be appreciated.
right now it’s not booting at all. I will try to get a uart->usb adapter tomorrow to see the debug output.
The armbian image halts during boot so I have no access to a console.
tried it, does not boot. Maybe you could help with a compressed directory structure like this:
so I can try and flash it with titantools.
I wrote 2 irradium images:
and irradium-3.7-riscv64-xfce-banana_pi_f3-6.6.65-build-20241214.img.zst, extracted with zstd and written to SD with balenaEtcher.
The boot switches are set as factory default to boot from SD (all off).
Thanks for your help.
LE: Bianbu 2.0.4 desktop and cli boot successfully from emmc, not SD card but there is no 5V for USB and peripherals after kernel loading. Armbian “2024-06-14-Armbian-bpi-SpacemiT_24.5.0-trunk_Bananapif3_sid_legacy_6.1.15.img” boots from sd card and displays: ldo5: disabling and halts. Still no 5V for usb. Could it be a faulty board? The usb’s worked when I first started it with Fedora and Armbian.