BananaPi R1 (lamobo-r1) OTG and WirringPi Support

Hey there, referring to my Thread im building an "Actual Image for the Bananapi R1 (Lamobo-r1). I did some progress but im still stuck at adding OTG an WirringPi support.

The only Documentation i found about this Topic is fairly old and the Links are down! The Documentation i found

Could anyone help me with that?

Not with details since it has been years when I tackle Allwinner A20, but those A20 board are all almost the same. SoC can only be wired in not many ways, so this forum search can help or starting topics here In case you want to see better overall support, check this Alone its hard to move on. In any case, mainline Linux is community work, outside this forum. BTW. Alternative for deprecated wirining pi

my 2c