BananaPI BPI-M3 + GPS

Hi everyone, may be someone can help me… I have BananaPI M3 board and now I need connect uBlox Neo-6M to my board I try connect GPIO - uBlox pin1 - to VCC pin6 - to Ground pin8 - to RX pin10 - to TX Then I try use vaious GPS test, but cant see any information... I try use GPS software from uBlox website, but didnt see information too…

May be someone can help me and give and suggestion for use GPS on this board? This is very important for me, because in our project need about 3000 devices with GPS…

you will need to do “busybox stty …” to activate/setup the serial connection.

to do that, you will need init script either at the init.rc or activate the /etc/init.d feature and put the script in init.d folder. but current android images did not include init.d you will need to manually load that up.

then you will need to compile the module… depands on your gps module manufacturer, some module come with binary stream data which will need to decode, you can use arduino to do a fast check on which existing library that can support your module output data, then figure out how to port and compile it to your android version. also you will have to figure out what’s your module speed can support, if your module can support 9600 and you set it to 115200, you will see scrambled data…

May be anyone have firmware with GPS support? I want use standart UART GPS module with speed 9600…

Now I have full source firmware BPI-A83T-Android.tar.bz2 and may be our enginners can understand “what and where they will need make a changes for supporting GPS” but for this need a time :frowning: Now I choosing for our project: bananaPi(+external GPS which now dont work +LTE modem which now dont work ) or dragonboard410c with integrated GPS module…

Now I open firmware, and see folder: BPI-A83T-Android\BPI-A83T-Android\android\hardware\qcom\gps
with: core etc loc_api msm8960 platform_lib_abstractions utils