Banana Pi M1 schematics

Hi, I’ve been using my Banana Pi M1 for ages, but today the powersupply of my usb hub died and so my Banana Pi M1 did.

Looks like the diode D5 is broken. It’s located on the Micro-USB power input on the bottom of the board.

Doesn anyone have an idea how to find a proper schematic? I’d like to repair this thing, as my Raspberry Pi 4 is still delayed…

The schematics are on the wiki. This is a link for the M1. It seems like u can find D5 on page 12. It’s a 1N5819

Thanks! I replaced the diode, but my Banana is still dead :frowning: Any idea what else to check? Probably the inductor close to D5 might be broken as well…

Sorry for necromancing old post but revival such good SBC is a priority. D5 you mentioned indicate that there was too high voltage in IPSOUT circuit which is internal 5V generated by U4 AXP209. You need 5V 2A power supply with current reading, if nothing is getting hot and current is under 1A, first step is to check if U4 is generating 5V on IPSOUT pins. If not then with power off check if there is short circuit IPSOUT to GND. If yes, connect power supply to IPSOUT and GND, 5V 1A limit, something should start getting hot - replace it and restart testing. It can be fatal in the end as overvoltage passed through U4 (it can be dead too) and could kill literally everything.