Banana Pi M1 - BPI LCD Screen S070 v4 201712

I have a Banana Pi M1 with a BPI LCD Screen S070 v4 201712.

I can’t make it work on Armbian with Retropie. I tried a few .bin files from a few posts on severals sites but nothing to do.

I would like to use it with emulation station whatever the OS.

Does anyone could help me ?

Thank you in advance.

No one knows how it could work ?

Today i installed “Armbian_21.02.3_Bananapi_buster_current_5.10.21_xfce_desktop.img” from “” and finally my LCD 800x480 is working fine.

The root pw is: 1234

Thank you for your answer. I’ll try it as soon as possible.

Hope it’ll work on mine too. I’ll tell you.

Thank you again.

So, is it “No news, good news !” ? :slight_smile:

P.S. I am also interested to connect a LCD to a BPi-M1, for my pending “pet project”… So, I would be glad to know it works before I acquire such LCD… :wink:

Thanks in advance ! :slight_smile: