Banana Pi BPI-M4 Zero H618 SBC GPIO function discuss

Banana Pi BPI-M4 Zero H618 SBC GPIO fcuntion

I have this same OLED screen. Need to test.

The source code did not work for me, it compiles fine but I get “unknown model” error. So I modified this to work with the M4 Zero exclusively.

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which image you got “unknown model” error?

M4 Zero 4G/32G model. The first repo gives the error. The second repo is just a copy that forces M4 Zero. It won’t work with other boards.

i mean which bananapi bpi-m4z image flashed that got the “unknown model” error with first Wiringpi repo.

These and these. Which one was it tested and confirmed to work with?

work well with the latest bananapi legacy images Banana Pi BPI-M4 Zero | BananaPi Docs


Which M4 Zero do you have?

are there different variants for sale?

3 as far as I can tell. Mine is the middle one, it’s marked as a v2.0 with 2432 on the back which I assume is a revision number. The one in the video above looks like the one marked as v00 with 2343 on the back.

The repo variant I posted forces it into M4 Zero regardless of the actual board. I called this debug function directly and got nothing but blanks, so I removed the references to all other boards.


Anyway, I hope it helps someone. I have to keep pushing forward.

as i know, armbian official kernel 6.6 m4zero images are not support network, wifi or ethernet for your “2432” board, please execute the following command and provide the output

$ cat /proc/device-tree/model

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo

$ cat /proc/version

I also use 2432, this is the production date

the image is,

using GitHub - Dangku/WiringPi: WiringPi for Bananapi M5/M2pro/M2S/CM4/M4B/M4Z/F3

and it works fine

And how did you get the OLED to display like the video? Here is my output after compiling and running the OLED example.

I appreciate you guys trying to help me figure out why it wasn’t working for me, but I only have until the end of the week to finish the evaluation, so I already moved ahead with my own mod, which works on all 8 images I have tried regardless of kernel or networking abilities.

The OLED sample also did not work for me, it only shows the date in the command line output. So I wrote a new one which works on both the 128x32 and 128x64 OLED i2C modules I have. This is enough for me to finish my evaluation.