Write to EMMC BPI R4

Hello every one

I would like to ask for help for install debian11 image to EMMC on BPI-R4

I follow the link below https://docs.banana-pi.org/en/BPI-R4/GettingStarted_BPI-R4#_how_to_burn_image_to_onboard_emmc

I am using openwrt for running NAND and from NAND I execute the commands for dd

All goes well but after reboot and switch from NAND to EMMC , system hult

can any one help with this, because I already develop debian11 as firewall in sdcard and I need to install on EMMC as commercial use

Please note from uboot and copy to emmc it works So I need other way of uboot like dd for example, the reason is debian11 image size is about 7.5G and NAND about 128M only so cannot copy to NAND first because of NAND size limit
