you must want to enable
in your kernel
to add the unknown symbols and allow your added module able to reference to them.
you must want to enable
in your kernel
to add the unknown symbols and allow your added module able to reference to them.
Except for kmod-mac80211-hwsim and zabbix-extra-mac80211, other options about mac80211 are enable.
zabbix-extra-mac80211 is not set
kmod-mac80211-hwsim is not set
But it still can’t work.
Please upload this image on Google Drive/Microsoft OneDrive, Baidu is not available in every country, and there’s no option to change the language to English.
I try to build a new image to my BPI-R2 but the Intel 7260 can’t work.
Hi Symowl
BPI-R2 doesn’t support Intel PCIe card, this is a hardware limitation, we can’t fix it in software level.
So, Gray Wang, Could you tell me the supported mini-pice WLAN model list in R2 ? Because we want to give up the MT6625L onboard.
Another question:
Thank. I tried to install other wireless network cards. Do you know the wireless network cards it supports?
We are looking for replacement of MT6625L, now we are developping a WIFI module(PCIe) based on MT7615 and we’ve validated RTL8723BU(USB).
I think the WIFI module based on USB should be supported, but the driver is required. Why the Intel WIFI(pcie) is not support is that the pcie device of it is invisible for MT7623N chip. Also we’re validating the WIFI module(PCIe) from RTL and BCM.
Thank you for on-time wifi info. So would have plan to make BPI R2 new hardware version(> v1.2) for changing onboard wifi module?
The module based on MT77615 is an optional module(PCIe), we don’t have plan to change the onboard wifi module
Hi Symowl
We validated the following mPCIe modules(PCIe), they are visible for sytem, we don’t validate them with driver.
Unsupported Module we found so far:
In Ubuntu and kernel with MSI interrupt enable,intel ac 3160 is visible in lspci , but I haven’t tried to build the driver
So interesting, can you please share me the kernel log(the output of dmesg)?
Mt7612 pcie-card is also working…currently i have it running in 2g4-mode in 4.14 but short test in 5g also works (driver for 4.4 and 4.14 in my repos)
Hi Gary
Do you know how to change the GPIO state under openwrt? I need to use the 14pin interface on BPI-R2.
What do I need to pay attention to when I use this interface?
add a info, Intel 7260 AC unsupported also!
Hello , you can use these commands to set gpio state:
Firstly , Check the base gpio,you could see mine is 233
And then you could use these commands to set gpio state:
For example: if you want to change gpio 22 as out highlevel, you need input commands like this:
this is the sch for 14pin header:
Oh forget one thing:the state of mux pins probably couldn’t be changed.
Thank you. I try to adjust this register. It works very well.