Test latest version only speeds latest version MTK BPI R4 MP4_1

revision a little above the last version MTK BPI R4 MP4_1,

at first it works well, wifi speeds a little low, but well they are acceptable, pppoe works very well for the first 2 or 3 hours then the speed drops to 1 gb.

but there are very interesting things like mesh and mlo, but I have not had time to continue investigating because when the speeds drop, I have put BPI-R4-BE1350-WIFI_MT76 again, which works very well with the speed issue.

I miss in all the versions that you can not download a single package, not even the latest version that should be fixed, and especially vpn wireguard, although the yu packages are there I download them manually for it to work we need kmod wireguard and it is impossible to find it.

I have tried to make my own image but it has been impossible because I wanted to put vpn wireguard.

I’ll tell you how I have it set up, unofficial image, from the sfp+rj45 lan cable to an 8-port 10gb switch, I have contracted 10gb symmetrical. banana-bpi-r4-all-related-to-mtk-sdk

I put speeds from vpn wireguard to switch, from the sd only speed, and from the last image both nand speed, speed AP_MTK_MLO_1, speed test AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2, wireless overview AP_MTK_MLO_1, wireless overview AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2.

speed sd

speed nand

speed AP_MTK_MLO_1

speed test AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2

wireless overview AP_MTK_MLO_1

wireless overview AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2

you should check the speed loss in pppoe, install packages, and for me an essential thing is the wireguard vpn.

very interesting things mlo, mesh

I hope you take it as a constructive thing

have a nice day

Does anyone know if there is a git repo I can pull MP4_1 firmware from?

I put the MP4_0 firmware into this git repo, and built vanilla Openwrt 24.10 with it, I’m seeing much faster speeds (1550mbps vs 900mbps same test) and 6ghz usage work pretty well (before clients would rarely use it). Looking to replicate this with the new firmware.

edit; I’m also seeing less stuttering and ping spikes with it. It’s generally working well with my Meta Quest Airlink now (before it used to be choppy/freezing).

Does anyone know if there is a git repo I can pull MP4_1 firmware from?

To the best of my knowledge they don’t think they have this publicly available.

Mine is failing to run from a SD card :confused:

F0: 102B 0000
FA: 1042 0000
FA: 1042 0000 [0200]
F9: 1041 0000
F3: 1001 0000 [0200]
F3: 1001 0000
F6: 380E 5012
F5: 0000 0000
V0: 0000 0000 [0001]
00: 0000 0000
BP: 0600 0041 [0000]
G0: 1190 0000
EC: 0000 0000 [3000]
MK: 0000 0000 [0000]
T0: 0000 0140 [0101]
Jump to BL

NOTICE:  BL2: v2.11.0(release):
NOTICE:  BL2: Built : 10:36:14, Oct 27 2024
NOTICE:  WDT: Cold boot
NOTICE:  WDT: disabled
NOTICE:  EMI: Using DDR unknown settings
NOTICE:  EMI: Detected DRAM size: 4096 MB
NOTICE:  EMI: complex R/W mem test passed
ERROR:   MSDC: Command has timed out with cmd=17, arg=0x0
ERROR:   Failed to initialize GPT partitions
ERROR:   FIP boot source initialization failed with -2
PANIC at PC : 0x0000000000205e40

Too bad, would’ve loved to try.

Are there any details available, what would’ve been versions of kernel and other packages - or a list of what’s new on the 4_1?

Good afternoon, I get that result on a 2GB card, and from 4GB onwards everything is ok.

Also, a tip that worked well for me was to first format the card at a low level from Windows.

low level.

Uncheck where it says quick format, and then save from that moment on everything worked correctly.

I don’t know if it will help you, but if you want to try it.

Let me know.

Thanks, flashing the SD card a 3rd time worked :man_shrugging:

Good afternoon, great, I’m glad you have it up and running.
