revision a little above the last version MTK BPI R4 MP4_1,
at first it works well, wifi speeds a little low, but well they are acceptable, pppoe works very well for the first 2 or 3 hours then the speed drops to 1 gb.
but there are very interesting things like mesh and mlo, but I have not had time to continue investigating because when the speeds drop, I have put BPI-R4-BE1350-WIFI_MT76 again, which works very well with the speed issue.
I miss in all the versions that you can not download a single package, not even the latest version that should be fixed, and especially vpn wireguard, although the yu packages are there I download them manually for it to work we need kmod wireguard and it is impossible to find it.
I have tried to make my own image but it has been impossible because I wanted to put vpn wireguard.
I’ll tell you how I have it set up, unofficial image, from the sfp+rj45 lan cable to an 8-port 10gb switch, I have contracted 10gb symmetrical. banana-bpi-r4-all-related-to-mtk-sdk
I put speeds from vpn wireguard to switch, from the sd only speed, and from the last image both nand speed, speed AP_MTK_MLO_1, speed test AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2, wireless overview AP_MTK_MLO_1, wireless overview AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2.
speed sd
speed nand
speed AP_MTK_MLO_1
speed test AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2
wireless overview AP_MTK_MLO_1
wireless overview AP_MTK_MT7990_6G_2
you should check the speed loss in pppoe, install packages, and for me an essential thing is the wireguard vpn.
very interesting things mlo, mesh
I hope you take it as a constructive thing
have a nice day