I am getting around 4000 B/s, this is unacceptable, But ubuntu main mirror gives me around 400-1800 kb/s which is actually fine for most cases. I dont know why the archive.spacemit.org mirror is slow as hell, if anyone knows about the fix, please let me know. Device: Banana Pi BPI-F3 4/16 varient, bianbu os
we will test it ,and will let you know.
Note that my country is Bangladesh, so it might me geographical issue, if so, then please suggest me what i can do about it.
Unfortunately, i did this with archive.spacemit.com but no luck so far, any ideas? It is like a dream to even get 200 kb/s with this mirror, whereas with ports.ubuntu.com, i am getting 300-900 kb/s. Any ideas? Thanks. I currently disabled spacemit mirrors for faster app install, but i want to use spacemit mirror for bianbu updates. Please help me.
I checked a bit using http://archive.spacemit.com/spacemit-ai/onnxruntime/spacemit-ort.riscv64.1.2.2.tar.gz as sample
- Italy on a gigabit line got between 10 and 30 KB/s
- France on OVH got about 4MB/s
- US is the same
Looks like there are some bottlenecks around ntwk.msn.net depending on where you are.
Should I use VPN or something to use the mirror, if yes, please suggest me a riscv compatible free VPN. help is much appreciated.
Or any other way to increase the speed of Spacemit mirror? If not, is there any alternative way to receive bianbu updates?
I do not work for Spacemit so I do not know what they will do. Hopefully that IX will have its connectivity fixed since it is quite strange 2 different place in europe have radically different bandwidths.
Thanks! Sorry for being late.
I currently disabled spacemit mirrors because of this. Would you recommend any VPN for increasing the bandwidth or any other ways? Or i will stop using Spacemit until the bandwidth is fixed?
Thanks for your kind reply.
Waiting for your answer sir.