Safexcel 15600000.crypto failed with error -16


has anyone fixed the safexcel load error ?

[   18.623982] crypto-safexcel 15600000.crypto: can't request region for resource [mem 0x15600000-0x1577ffff]
[   18.633693] crypto-safexcel 15600000.crypto: failed to get resource
[   18.639948] crypto-safexcel: probe of 15600000.crypto failed with error -16

the above is on master openwrt

I noticed that the mtk build uses kmod-eip and a couple of more modules / tools but see these need to be ported to 6.1 or otherwise fix the crypto-safexcel error.

thank you

same here:

[ 6211.543098] bus: 'platform': __driver_probe_device: matched device 15600000.crypto with driver crypto-safexcel
[ 6211.553150] bus: 'platform': really_probe: probing driver crypto-safexcel with device 15600000.crypto
[ 6211.562378] crypto-safexcel 15600000.crypto: no pinctrl handle
[ 6211.568245] crypto-safexcel 15600000.crypto: can't request region for resource [mem 0x15600000-0x1577ffff]
[ 6211.577886] crypto-safexcel 15600000.crypto: failed to get resource
[ 6211.584149] crypto-safexcel: probe of 15600000.crypto failed with error -16

it looks like there’s something wrong with the pinctl definitions in DTS … I’ll see whether any workaround for that is possible

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so I backported the crypto-eip package to openwrt and definitely seems there’s a problem

DDK doesn’t register

ue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.614449] Adapter build configuration of DDK-197-GPL v5.6.1:
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.620442]      ADAPTER_PEC_DBG
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.623335]      ADAPTER_PEC_STRICT_ARGS
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.626902]      ADAPTER_PEC_ENABLE_SCATTERGATHER
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.631249]      ADAPTER_PEC_SEPARATE_RINGS
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.635090]      ADAPTER_PEC_DEVICE_COUNT: 14
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.639134]      ADAPTER_PEC_MAX_PACKETS: 32
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.643057]      ADAPTER_MAX_PECLOGICDESCR: 32
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.647145]      ADAPTER_PEC_MAX_SAS: 64
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.650711]      ADAPTER_DESCRIPTORDONETIMEOUT: 20
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.655154]      ADAPTER_DESCRIPTORDONECOUNT: 4
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.659363]      ADAPTER_REMOVE_BOUNCEBUFFERS is NOT set => Bounce ENABLED
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.665890]      ADAPTER_EIP202_INTERRUPTS_ENABLE is SET => Interrupts ENABLED
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.672760]      ADAPTER_PCL_ENABLE
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.675892]      ADAPTER_PCL_FLOW_HASH_ENTRIES_COUNT: 512
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.680962]      ADAPTER_64BIT_HOST is SET => addresses are 64-bit
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.686792]      ADAPTER_64BIT_DEVICE is SET => full 64-bit DMA addresses usable
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.693836]      ADAPTER_DMARESOURCE_BANKS_ENABLE
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.698211] Logging:
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.700390]      LOG_SEVERITY_MAX == LOG_SEVERITY_W_A_R_N_I_N_G
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.705961] Other:
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.707966]      ADAPTER_DRIVER_NAME: Security_IP-197
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.712668]      ADAPTER_LICENSE: GPL
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.715974]      ADAPTER_INTERRUPTS_TRACEFILTER: 0x00000000
Tue Sep 10 13:31:51 2024 kern.debug kernel: [  235.721219]      RPM_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES_STR_MACRO: RPM stubbed


[ 1027.636269] LKM_Init: failed, no device detected
[ 1027.690875] Device_Internal_Initialize: Failed to register the platform device
[ 1027.698108] Device_Initialize: failed, error -1

has anyone seen this work at all ?

Yes, it loads on the latest MTK branch build:

but unless you need IPSec tunnel support there is no real reason to use this kmod

would you mind to share a console output of the eip and ddk output?

actually think I found the issue the openwrt snapshot dts doesn’t have compatible for “security-ip-197-srv”

btw it does load now the ddk but not crypto-eip after the above change

[   14.734698] Adapter build configuration of DDK-197-GPL v5.6.1:
[   14.740536]  ADAPTER_PEC_DBG
[   14.755150]  ADAPTER_PEC_DEVICE_COUNT: 14
[   14.759147]  ADAPTER_PEC_MAX_PACKETS: 32
[   14.767144]  ADAPTER_PEC_MAX_SAS: 64
[   14.785823]  ADAPTER_EIP202_INTERRUPTS_ENABLE is SET => Interrupts ENABLED
[   14.792684]  ADAPTER_PCL_ENABLE
[   14.800849]  ADAPTER_64BIT_HOST is SET => addresses are 64-bit
[   14.806671]  ADAPTER_64BIT_DEVICE is SET => full 64-bit DMA addresses usable
[   14.818049] Logging:
[   14.825783] Other:
[   14.827784]  ADAPTER_DRIVER_NAME: Security_IP-197
[   14.832497]  ADAPTER_LICENSE: GPL
[   14.835803]  ADAPTER_INTERRUPTS_TRACEFILTER: 0x00000000
[   14.847037] FreeHandles: kmalloc
[   14.850472] GlobalControl97_Capabilities_Get
[   14.854748] EIP202: PEs=1 rings=8 64-bit=Yes, fill level extension=No
[   14.854748] CF size=5 RF size=5 DMA len = 14 Align=2 HDW=2 HostIfc=3
[   14.867515] EIP96 options:
[   14.867515] AES: Yes with CFB/OFB: Yes Fast: Yes
[   14.867515] DES: Yes with CFB/OFB: Yes Fast: No
[   14.867515] ARCFOUR level: 0
[   14.867515] AES-XTS: No Wireless crypto: Yes
[   14.867515] MD5: Yes SHA1: Yes Fast: Yes SHA256: Yes SHA512: Yes
[   14.867515] (X)CBC-MAC: Yes Fast: Yes All key sizes: Yes GHASH Yes
[   14.898588] EIP97 options: PEs=1, In Dbuf size=11 In Tbuf size=8, Out Dbuf size=8, Out Tbuf size=7, Central PRNG: Yes
[   14.898588] Token Generator: No, Transform Record Cache: Yes
[   14.914823] EIP206 options: PE type=0 InClassifier=0 OutClassifier=0 MAC chans=0
[   14.914823] InDBuf=0kB InTBuf=0kB OutDBuf=0kB OutTBuf=0kB
[   14.927674] Global EIP-97 capabilities: EIP-97 v3.3p1  with EIP-202 v2.7p2 and EIP-96 v4.5p0, #PE=01 #rings=08 central-prng=1
[   14.938965] No PRNG in PEs, skip initialization
[   14.943483] Global Status of the EIP-97
[   14.947306] Packet Engine 0 Status
[   14.950697] DFE Status: CD FIFO Words: 0, CDR ID: 15, DMA size: 4
[   14.950697] AtDMA busy: false, DataDMA busy: false, DMA err: false
[   14.962939] DSE Status: RD FIFO Words: 0, RDR ID: 15, DMA size: 0
[   14.962939] Data flush  busy: false, DataDMA busy: false, DMA err: false
[   14.975705] Token Status: Active: 0, loc available: true
[   14.975705] res available: false, read active: false, ccache active: false
[   14.975705] cntx fetch: false, res cntx: false
[   14.975705] processing held: true, busy: false
[   14.996711] Context Status: Err mask: 0000, Available: 0
[   14.996711] Active cntx: false, next cntx: false, result cntx: false Err recov: false
[   15.009821] Interrupt Status: input DMA err: false, output DMA err false
[   15.009821] pkt proc err: false, pkt timeout: false, f a t a l err: false, PE int out: false
[   15.009821] inp DMA enable: false, outp DMA enable false, pkt proc enable: false
[   15.009821] pkt timeout enable: false, f a t a l enable: false,PE int out enable: false
[   15.040376] Output Transfer Status: availabe: 79, min: 4, max: 64, size mask: 254
[   15.047858] No PRNG present in EIP-96
[   15.051529]
[   15.051529] Interface DBG Statistics:
[   15.056655]
[   15.056655] Pipe DBG Statistics:
[   15.061345]          Pipe # 0 Total=         0 Data=         0 Cur=  0 Max=  0
[   15.067949] GlobalControl_EIP207_Init:
[   15.067949] Number of Rings: 8, LA Interfaces: 1, Inline interfaces: 1
[   15.079190] GlobalControl_EIP207_Init cache set 0:
[   15.079190]          FRC  AdminWords=  320 DataWords=  768
[   15.079190]          TRC  AdminWords=  192 DataWords= 2176
[   15.079190]          ARC4 AdminWords=    0 DataWords=    0
[   15.098552] Adapter_Firmware_Acquire for firmware_eip207_ipue.bin
[   15.113785] Adapter_Firmware_Acquire for firmware_eip207_ifpp.bin
[   15.120077] Adapter_Firmware_Acquire for firmware_eip207_opue.bin
[   15.126462] Adapter_Firmware_Acquire for firmware_eip207_ofpp.bin
[   15.134389] Adapter_Firmware_Release
[   15.137955] Adapter_Firmware_Release
[   15.141534] Adapter_Firmware_Release
[   15.145105] Adapter_Firmware_Release
[   15.148667] GlobalControl207_Init: firmware downloaded successfully
[   15.154941]  IPUE firmware v3.5.0, image byte count 8136
[   15.160243]  IFPP firmware v3.5.0, image byte count 16308
[   15.160243]
[   15.167112]  OPUE firmware v3.5.0, image byte count 5036
[   15.172415]  OFPP firmware v3.5.0, image byte count 5044
[   15.172415]
[   15.179195] EIP-207 capabilities
[   15.182417]  Lookup cached:            No
[   15.182417]  FRC combined with TRC:    No
[   15.182417]  ARC4RC present:           No
[   15.182417]  FRC combined with ARC4RC: No
[   15.182417]  TRC combined with ARC4RC: No
[   15.182417]  FRC clients:              2
[   15.182417]  TRC clients:              4
[   15.182417]  ARC4RC clients:           0
[   15.182417]  Lookup clients:           2
[   15.182417]
[   15.219477] Global Classification capabilities: EIP-207 v2.4p0  #cache sets=01 #lookup tables=01
[   15.228249] Global Classification Control Status
[   15.232856] Classification Engine 0 status
[   15.236954] Adapter_Global_Cs_StatusReport: all OK
[   15.241734]  ICE Dropped Packets Counter (low 32-bits):     0x00000000
[   15.241734]  ICE Dropped Packets Counter (high 32-bits):    0x00000000
[   15.241734]  ICE Inbound Packets Counter:                   0x00000000
[   15.241734]  ICE Outbound Packets Counter:                  0x00000000
[   15.241734]  ICE Inbound Octets Counter (low 32-bits):      0x00007331
[   15.241734]  ICE Inbound Octets Counter (high 32-bits):     0x03310331
[   15.241734]  ICE Outbound Octets Counter (low 32-bits):     0x00007331
[   15.241734]  ICE Outbound Octets Counter (high 32-bits):    0x03310331
[   15.241734]  OCE Dropped Packets Counter (low 32-bits):     0x00000000
[   15.241734]  OCE Dropped Packets Counter (high 32-bits):    0x00000000
[   15.241734]
[   15.308295]  ICE Clock Count (low 32-bits):   0x00000000
[   15.308295]  ICE Clock Count (high 32-bits):  0x00000000
[   15.308295]  OCE Clock Count (low 32-bits):   0x00000000
[   15.308295]  OCE Clock Count (high 32-bits):  0x00000000
[   15.308295]
[   15.330964] EIP74 initialized OK
[   15.334185] EIP74 options: Nof Clients=1 Nof AESCores=1
[   15.334185]          AESSpeed=1 FIFODepth=6
[   15.342957] DA_GC: Global DRBG capabilities: EIP-74 v1.1p0
[   15.348428] DA_GC: Global DRBG Status
[   15.352078] EIP 74 status: GenBlockCount=1 StuckOut=false
[   15.352078]          NotInitialized=false ReseedErr=false ReseedWarn=false
[   15.352078]          Instantiated=true AvailableCount=6
[   15.370356] (NULL device *): crypto-eip dts init failed: -19