Sorry, I didn’t have access to a PC, so I only logged in via my mobile device.
Android using BPI-COPY :
C3hswitch frequency to 0x00000046
frequency divider is 0x00000080
switch frequency to 0x00000046
frequency divider is 0x00000004
switch to SDR 8 bit
switch bus width to 0x00000008 bits success
hwsetting size: 00000BC0
Goto FSBL: 0x10100000
switch frequency to 0x00000046
frequency divider is 0x00000080
switch frequency to 0x00000046
frequency divider is 0x00000004
emmc_cid[3] = 0xF386A9BC emmc_cid[2] = 0x94D60652 emmc_cid[1] = 0x34465447 emmc_ cid[0] = 0x38000115
switch bus width to 0x00000008 bits success
DEVICE_TYPE = 00000057
emmc_sec_count = 00E90000
switch speed to 0x00000002 success
switch frequency to 0x000000A6
frequency divider is 0x00000000
1st TX_window = 0xFFFFFFFE
1st phase TX VP0= 0x00000010
RX_window = 0xFFFFF03F
phase RX VP1= 0x00000018
Welcome to FSBL ...
[FSBL] Warm Boot: 0x00000000
[FSBL] Secure: 0x0000BEEE
[FSBL] Flash Type: 0x00000002
[FSBL] DCache Enable: 0x00000000
tee_ltc_alloc_mpa init ...
malloc_add_pool init ...
********** FW_TYPE_GOLD_TEE **********
FW Image to 0x10200000, size=0x0007A9E0 (0x1027A9E0)
FW Image fr 0x000C3600
********** FW_TYPE_GOLD_BL31 **********
FW Image to 0x10120000, size=0x000062A0 (0x101262A0)
FW Image fr 0x0013E000
********** FW_TYPE_BOOTCODE **********
FW Image to 0x00020000, size=0x00088BA0 (0x000A8BA0)
FW Image fr 0x00020E00
md copy audio bin
VERBOSE: bl31_setup
NOTICE: BL31: v1.2(debug):a6c9ab6
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 15:16:22, Apr 27 2017
INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services
INFO: Start to init service std_svc
INFO: Finish to init service std_svc
INFO: Start to init service opteed_fast
INFO: Finish to init service opteed_fast
INFO: BL31: Initializing BL32
INFO: TEE-CORE: TA RAM slim vesion.
INFO: TEE-CORE: tee os version : 0
INFO: TEE-CORE: OTP tee os version : 0
INFO: TEE-CORE: chip_rev_id : 30000
INFO: TEE-CORE: check golden fw : 0
INFO: TEE-CORE: Loaded normal F/W
INFO: TEE-CORE: tee os version check pass.
INFO: TEE-CORE: Initializing (b2aa60f-dev #1 Mon Aug 28 13:42:14 CST 2017 aar ch64)
MESSAGE: [0x0] TEE-CORE:tee_otp_get_hw_unique_key:49: ************************ tee_otp_get_hw_unique_key chip id: 30000
MESSAGE: [0x0] TEE-CORE:tee_otp_get_hw_unique_key:54: ************************ tee_otp_get_hw_unique_key used Kf
INFO: TEE-CORE: teecore inits done
INFO: Core_0 got optee_vectors (0x1020093c)
INFO: BL31: Initialized BL32
INFO: bl31_to_kernel: kernel_resume_entry = 0x1e000
INFO: bl31 jumps to EL2: LK entry
welcome to lk/MP
boot args 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0
INIT: cpu 0, calling hook 0x603e8 (version) at level 0x3ffff, flags 0x1
arch: ARM64
platform: RTD1295
target: RTD1295
project: RTD1295
buildid: 81C95C5_MON_SEP__4_01:41:29_CST_2017
initializing heap
calling constructors
initializing mp
initializing threads
initializing timers
initializing ports
creating bootstrap completion thread
top of bootstrap2()
INIT: cpu 0, calling hook 0x5ee30 (sysparam) at level 0x70000, flags 0x1
INIT: cpu 0, calling hook 0x743e4 (lwip) at level 0x70000, flags 0x1
creating bootstrap completion thread for cpu 1
creating bootstrap completion thread for cpu 2
creating bootstrap completion thread for cpu 3
initializing platform
rtd129x_pwm_pin_mux default value 0
PLL_EMMC1 = 0x00000003
switch frequency to 0x46, divder to 0x80
switch frequency to 0x46, divder to 0x4
switch_bus: width = 0x00000002
switch speed to 0x2 success
switch frequency to 0xa6, divder to 0x0
PLL_EMMC1 = 0x00001883
switch erase_group_def to 0x1 success
sec_count = 0xe90000
Erase Unit Size = 512KB * 0x1
factory_init, factory size:0x400000
Factory: pp:1, seq#:0x26, size:0x2c00
sysparam_scan_factory: read SYSPARAM from factory fail!!
Bring UP slave CPUs
tpVEVnREEiRRBBtOBiOOaSSlEESiE: :z :i bnblbgll333 11_1ts__aesetsrtetugpuue
INNNONTOIITOTCTII:CCE E: Ec::p uB 0 BL,L3B 3L11c::3 a vlv11l1:i .nv2.(g12. 2d 6ce(oddeebobugbk)uu :gg)0:axa6)46:cac099aa6ccb9b6d
INCC6EO:8 E) :T BIC a ELtB: 3 1Ll3 e1B:v: Be luL3B 0uil1x:i9lt0 t0 0 :B0u:,i 1A6r 5lf:t5l1:1 a:6g6:s:2 12,20 25,xA:p1
EA0 p:r27r8 212 6,2802:7 A1R27p
7E rL1 7T2I
IBLnI3ni1t N @ F0x O 9B8B0:L 1L 33116:0 0: 0
i:i atilInailziiitinziagnl giru zinrntuingmt eiru mnest erismveei crvs viescr
: IOsN
F IO N: F SO: t ar Stt a rStott aitrtno i itt nosi eitrn vsitie crvseie rs vd_c idcs_ets dvcs_st
NFc sI v
OI :N FOF :i n Fis in h iFistnho i tisonh ittino si iten rvisiterc vesei vdc_vt di_csstevd _csst
vNF Is
F cOI :N
O I: NF O St: a Sr tt a Strtota triotni ttin o sitie nrsiviertcv ei soece rpt voiepcetede _ofepdat_setfe asd
t_Ifa NFs
OtI :N
F OI:N F FO i:n Fi is nhFi istonh i tsinho i itton isiten rvisitecr evs eir covepti coepeedt e_opeftdase_tefad s_
N O I:
F IO N: F BO L: 3 B 1L :3 1IBL:n3 i1It:ni ialItinizaiiltniizgaili nzBg iLBn3 3B2
:F OIN : FO B :L 3B 1L :31 B:IL n31Ii:tnii aIntliiitzaielaidlz BeiLdz3 ed2B L3B
NO:IFON :F O : b l b31 l_ 3tb1_olt_31oke__rktoen_relknee: lrn:kee rlkn:eer lnk_eerlrne_ersleu_msreueRmee_eas_unletmrteenyk_ etG rBny= tEr=y F a0=xm 01i0l oxy1e 1eeCo00n000t0000
mplNIlFNFeIrONF O3:: O 2 m: bc lbfgl3 3 11= 0j0 u2jub4m
3pss1 tjtouom EpELLs 22::to LL EKKL e2en:nt trLryyK e
netif en ip netmask gw
calling apps_init()
------------tmp/factory/video_rpc.bin found
Sink changed, skip one step
tv_system=25 mode=1
Set ACPU share memory
------------tmp/factory/000BootParam.h found
[logo]src w/h=1920/1080 dst w/h=3840/2160
Default Power-Config
*** Reboot-Action : 0xaabbccff ***
PMIC is gmt,g2227
starting app rtkboot
---------------LOAD NORMAL FW TABLE ---------------
fw_desc_table_start = 0x00620000
fw_desc_table_ddr_base = 0x0x12418f70
[INFO] fw desc table base: 0x00620000, count: 10
[DEBUG] fw_entry = 0x12419170
Normal boot fw flow...
FW Image to 0x03000000, size=0x00f22400 (0x03f22400)
FW Image fr 0x02c17a00
INIT: cpu 3, calling hook 0x22840 (slave_cpu_spin) at level 0x3ffff, flags 0x2
INIT: cpu 2, calling hook 0x22840 (slave_cpu_spin) at level 0x3ffff, flags 0x2
INIT: cpu 1, calling hook 0x22840 (slave_cpu_spin) at level 0x3ffff, flags 0x2
starting app eeprom
starting app pmic
cmd_pmic_entry: set DC force PWM
pmic_testing returns 00
FW Image to 0x02100000, size=0x000102d8 (0x021102d8)
FW Image fr 0x028b0200
FW Image to 0x01b00000, size=0x00327708 (0x01e27708)
FW Image fr 0x028f0200
FW Image to 0x1e800000, size=0x007e9000 (0x1efe9000)
FW Image fr 0x199002000
Booting ACPU...
ao[AotUiDnIgO ]KRoesrSnetal.r.t.T
9 [b0xon02di10n0g0]0 102
DT ch[iFp
=C] lraesmsiofvye Bononddei n/gp nsucmi
0[xF0D0T0]0 00a0d1d bPoBo (t-PsAe)c
u@ndFWar]yB-raindgd r upto h /wcspeuttsi/ncpg
Finish kylin_bring[_FtDeTm]p huwpdseattte iMngAC
aBioo_oHtW iEnmaabgel et]a
rg[eAtO ]aaidod_rC:0RTx0O0n2:8
00S0YS0,_ CsLiOCzKe_:0ENx0AB0fLaEe10 [0 00
x9800000c]: 0x13fec561
SYS_CLOCK_ENABLE2 [ 0x98000010]: 0xd851e416
SYS_CLOCK_ENABLE2 [ 0x98000010]: 0xd871e416
SYS_CLOCK_ENABLE2 [ 0x98000010]: 0xd87fe416
SYS_CLOCK_ENABLE2 [ 0x98000010]: 0xd8ffe416
SYS_SOFT_RESET1 [ 0x98000000]: 0xbfda1001
SYS_SOFT_RESET4 [ 0x98000050]: 0x0000801f
[Audio]SetTickRate 0x000000c8
[ACPU]: Set protect 6 fail, protect 6 is already enable : 0x00000040!!
HDMI Raw Enable: AC3, DTS, MPEG2 AAC, DDP,
SPDIF Raw Enable: AC3, DTS, MPEG2 AAC,
Force 2ch Format: DTS, DTSHD, AC3, DDP, MLP, AAC, WMAPRO,
[AO][InitHDMIVideoType]HDMI Frequecny 148, resolution 25
AIO_O_ACANA_GCTL1 [ 0x98006604]: 0x24951504
AIO_I_ACANA_ADC_GCTL2 [ 0x98006610]: 0x880a3a00
AIO_I_ADC_TCON [ 0x980066fc]: 0x221f0000
AIO_I_ADC_TCON [ 0x980066fc]: 0x221fff00
@@@@@@@One Step TV System magic number = 0xc0de0bee, addr = 0xa001f800@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@ boot_info->tv_sys.interfaceType 0
HDMIOff = 0
[VO_SetVideoStandard]st 25 p 1 1 0
[VO_SetVideoStandard]dp_standard:1 data0 0x00000004 data1 0x00000000
[VO_SetVideoStandard]HDMIoff 0 is_tve_on 1 user_cvbs_off 0
[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[ 0.000000] Linux version 4.1.17-g9100299-dirty (justin@justin-HP-EliteDesk) (gcc version 4.9.4 (OpenWrt/Linalvds.format 0 port_setting 0x00000381 lvds_wb 0
vo->mixer_call_dsr: 0x00000000
[VO setTVStandard 25 3D 0 0]
(TVE) TVE_DAC_mode 0,cmd->enProg 1!!
~~comp 0, ch2 1, mode_3D 0!!
~~comp 0, ch2 1, mode_3D 0!!
~~TVE standard#
ro GCC 4.9-2015.06 r47591) ) #20 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 14 09:11:59 CST 2019
[ 0.000000] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU0
[ 0.000000] alternatives: enabling workaround for ARM erratum 845719
[ 0.000000] DT: cma-improve=0
[ 0.000000] earlycon: Early serial console at MMIO32 0x98007800 (options '')
[ 0.000000] bootconsole [uart0] enabled
SetVideoStandard return!
(VO_ConfigHDMI_InfoFrame) L:275, is_hdmi_plugin 1, hdmiMode 1!!Mode 1 dataByte1 0x00000040 0x000000a8 0x00000000
dataByte4 0x00000000 0x00000000 int0 0x00000001
(HDMI_3D) mode 1, HDMI_gen 1, En_3D 0, Format_3D 0 scramble:0 rrange:0 yrange:0 RGB_or_YCbCr:2 Pixel_Colocrt:2 Deep_Color:0 Deep_Depth:0 xvycc:0
@@vo->hdr_ctrl.trans:0 HDMI_gen_dynamic_range_master_infoframe
@@set C1C0 to 2(BT709),set EC2EC1EC0 to 0
go back SET_HDMI!!
boot_info 0xa001f600 magic 0x2452544b en 1
boot_info.w 1920 h 1080
boot_addr 0x1e800000
boot_osd_buffer_end: 0x81dc8d80
w 1920, h 1080, img0 0x1e800000, pitch0 7680
disp.x 0 y 0 w 1920 h 1080
[AO][_AO_hdmi_module_path_disable] path not enable 0x00000000 0x00000001
Audio_Channel_Count 1 :2CH, audio_layout:0
HDMI_Frequency 148 :1080p50,1080p60
Sampling_Frequency 3 :48K
CTS = 148500, N = 6144
[AO][_AO_hdmi_module_path_enable] path not enable 0x00000000 0x00000001
[ 0.138429] bl31_set_tee_protect !!!
INFO: Non-Secure Boot or 1295 IC_REV >= B00 : no action !!
[ 0.207028] bl31_set_tee_protect ret = 0
[ 0.624185] ****** rtk_lockapi_init 607, chip: id=0x00000000, revision=0x0003 0000
[ 0.632614] ****** rtk_lockapi_init 614, bypass mode
[ 2.745019] rtk-usb-power-manager 98000000.rtk_usb_power_manager: rtk_dwc3_u2 host status is okay
[ 2.754917] rtk-usb-power-manager 98000000.rtk_usb_power_manager: ehci status is okay
[ 2.763725] rtk-usb-power-manager 98000000.rtk_usb_power_manager: ohci status is okay
[ 2.772538] rtk-usb-power-manager 98000000.rtk_usb_power_manager: rtk_dwc3_u3 host status is okay
[ 2.788654] rtk-usb-power-manager 98000000.rtk_usb_power_manager: create_debu g_files
[ 3.162497] [RTD129x PCIE Slot2] 9803b000.pcie2: PCIE device has link down in slot 2
[ 3.171215] [RTD129x PCIE Slot2] 9803b000.pcie2: rtk_pcie2_hw_initial fail
[ 3.334321] [RTD129x PCIE Slot1] 9804e000.pcie: PCIE device has link up in sl ot 1
[ 3.353455] rtk119x-ir 98007000.irda: [rtk119x_ir_probe]: can't get multiple support from dtb, set to default->not support
[ROS: openRPC() intr_scpu_dev_r buf 0x00e2ffa1 s 0x00e2ffa1 e 0x00e4ffa1 i 0 x00e2ffa1
[ROS: openRPC() kern_scpu_dev_r buf 0x00f2ffa1 s 0x00f2ffa1 e 0x00f4ffa1 i 0 x00f2ffa1
[ROS: openStubRPC() intr_w buf 0x00e6ffa1 s 0x00e6ffa1 e 0x00e8ffa1 i 0x00e6 ffa1
[ROS: openStubRPC() kern_w buf 0x00f4ffa1 s 0x00f4ffa1 e 0x00f6ffa1 i 0x00f4 ffa1[AVCPU] Set Debug level flag 0x81dd3fb4 *flag 0x01dbf000 ucache 0xa1dbf00 0
[AVCPU] Set Debug level *ptrDebugFlag 0x00000001
Audio Version = 0xc23d38fe (Kylin)
Audio Commit Date = Aug 8 16:38:52 2018
Common Version = 96d1895f3ec19f691483a0e3eec64b9684f6e548
Binary src compiled at Aug 8 2018 19:56:05
Note =
[A] gloabl malloc size 0x003ffd48
[ 3.461906] AudioIntrRead:154 can't find process for handling AudioIntrRead p rogramID:98
[ 3.470299] AudioIntrRead: program:98 version:0 procedure:1 taskID:0 sysTID:4 294967295 sysPID:4294967295 size:4 context:81dd3765 atomic
[ 3.637669] [HDMI RX ERR][hdmirx_rtk_drv_probe] Get top_supply fail -19
[ 3.644860] cec_core_init, register cec_bus ffffffc00112a4f8
[ 3.650716] register cec driver 'cec' (ffffffc00112a678)
[ 3.656175] register cec device 'cec0' (ffffffc00112a770) to cec0
[ 3.662457] [cec_bus_match name = cec0,len=4,drv_name=cec]
[ 3.668087] probe : cec_dev 'cec0' (ffffffc00112a770), cec_drv 'cec' (ffffffc 00112a678)
[ 3.676666] register cec device 'cec1' (ffffffc00112aa20) to cec0
[ 3.682948] [cec_bus_match name = cec1,len=4,drv_name=cec]
[ 3.688576] probe : cec_dev 'cec1' (ffffffc00112aa20), cec_drv 'cec' (ffffffc 00112a678)
[ 3.739999] reg = 0x330800
- Android6 = blocked on the line : [ 3.739999] reg = 0x330800
- Android7 = end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
- I will deliver the log with Kernel Panic immediately after installation.
But as I state, on the motherboards BPI-W2 V1.0 and V1.2 starting with the number 1827 I do not show these post-installation problems and against 19 ** Android works on them.
The test was performed on 10 motherboards :
- 1x V1.0 : OK
- 2x V1.1 18** : OK
- 7x V1.1 19** : Kernel Panic or blocked on the line : [ 3.739999] reg = 0x330800
—[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x0000000b
[ 2.352881] [<ffffffc00028567c>] el1_irq+0x7c/0xf0
[ 2.358266] [<ffffffc0002e3268>] cpu_startup_entry+0x3a0/0x410
[ 2.364823] [<ffffffc000290214>] secondary_start_kernel+0x164/0x1b8
[ 2.371868] CPU0: stopping
[ 2.374907] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G D 4.1.35-04005-dirty #3
[ 2.384103] Hardware name: Realtek_RTD1296 (DT)
[ 2.389192] Call trace:
[ 2.391937] [<ffffffc00028a7ac>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x164
[ 2.398005] [<ffffffc00028a934>] show_stack+0x24/0x30
[ 2.403682] [<ffffffc000bbbd40>] dump_stack+0x88/0xa8
[ 2.409359] [<ffffffc000290920>] handle_IPI+0x2c0/0x2cc
[ 2.415231] [<ffffffc0002824d0>] gic_handle_irq+0x88/0x8c
[ 2.421298] Exception stack(0xffffffc000f73db0 to 0xffffffc000f73ee0)
[ 2.428540] 3da0: 00f76000 ffffffc0 00000000 00000080
[ 2.437738] 3dc0: 00f73f00 ffffffc0 00286d00 ffffffc0 002e3268 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000
[ 2.446936] 3de0: 00f79000 ffffffc0 00000001 00000000 0000031e 00000000 00000008 00000000
[ 2.456134] 3e00: 7889a98b 00000013 80b583eb 61c88646 00f85bc0 ffffffc0 00f70000 ffffffc0
[ 2.465332] 3e20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff
[ 2.474530] 3e40: ffffffff ffffffff c1f3c420 ffffffbd 00000000 00000000 011cec30 ffffffc0
[ 2.483729] 3e60: 0000000f 00000000 00f76000 ffffffc0 00bcf000 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000
[ 2.492927] 3e80: 00f51b40 ffffffc0 01037000 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000 00f571a0 ffffffc0
[ 2.502125] 3ea0: 00f70000 ffffffc0 00d69000 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000 00f73f00 ffffffc0
[ 2.511323] 3ec0: 00286cfc ffffffc0 00f73f00 ffffffc0 00286d00 ffffffc0 60000045 00000000
[ 2.520521] [<ffffffc00028567c>] el1_irq+0x7c/0xf0
[ 2.525905] [<ffffffc0002e3268>] cpu_startup_entry+0x3a0/0x410
[ 2.532462] [<ffffffc000bb89a8>] rest_init+0x8c/0x98
[ 2.538042] [<ffffffc000ea496c>] start_kernel+0x390/0x3a4
[ 2.544109] CPU3: stopping
[ 2.547147] CPU: 3 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/3 Tainted: G D 4.1.35-04005-dirty #3
[ 2.556342] Hardware name: Realtek_RTD1296 (DT)
[ 2.561431] Call trace:
[ 2.564176] [<ffffffc00028a7ac>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x164
[ 2.570245] [<ffffffc00028a934>] show_stack+0x24/0x30
[ 2.575922] [<ffffffc000bbbd40>] dump_stack+0x88/0xa8
[ 2.581599] [<ffffffc000290920>] handle_IPI+0x2c0/0x2cc
[ 2.587471] [<ffffffc0002824d0>] gic_handle_irq+0x88/0x8c
[ 2.593539] Exception stack(0xffffffc02220bdf0 to 0xffffffc02220bf20)
[ 2.600780] bde0: 00f76000 ffffffc0 00000000 00000080
[ 2.609979] be00: 2220bf40 ffffffc0 00286d00 ffffffc0 002e3268 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000
[ 2.619177] be20: 00f79000 ffffffc0 00000001 00000000 00000506 00000000 00000008 00000000
[ 2.628375] be40: 583afe8f 00000008 83453113 00000000 221ff2c0 ffffffc0 22208000 ffffffc0
[ 2.637574] be60: fefeff3f fefefefe 7f7f7f7f 7f7f7f7f 01010101 01010101 00000018 00000000
[ 2.646772] be80: fffffffe 0fffffff 0000000e 00000000 00000007 00000000 00c2c000 ffffffc0
[ 2.655970] bea0: 00000002 00000000 00f76000 ffffffc0 00bcf000 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000
[ 2.665168] bec0: 00f51b40 ffffffc0 01037000 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000 00f571a0 ffffffc0
[ 2.674366] bee0: 22208000 ffffffc0 00d69000 ffffffc0 00000002 00000000 2220bf40 ffffffc0
[ 2.683565] bf00: 00286cfc ffffffc0 2220bf40 ffffffc0 00286d00 ffffffc0 60000045 00000000
[ 2.692762] [<ffffffc00028567c>] el1_irq+0x7c/0xf0
[ 2.698146] [<ffffffc0002e3268>] cpu_startup_entry+0x3a0/0x410
[ 2.704704] [<ffffffc000290214>] secondary_start_kernel+0x164/0x1b8
[ 2.711751] ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x0000000b
[ 2.711751]
PS: I’m sure you have one BPI-W2 (V1.1 - 19 **) on hand, see for yourself