Hello, i am a new owner of a used BPI-R2, i have get it from a friend, he has give up with it.
at first , sorry for my bad english , i dont have lernt it at scool. I come from Germany, my name ist Karsten and i am 50 years old.
Now my problem: i get the board with an " complete crapt" Ubuntu. I have found a nice debian buster image, and this work fine on SD. So i have write it to flash. But booting with flash stops before U-Boot Menue:
[BLDR] jump to 0x81E00000
[BLDR] <0x81E00000>=0xEA0000B8
[BLDR] <0x81E00004>=0xE59FF014
I think is a problem with preloader, i have test many different preloader, but the all no boot. Every stops at this part. where can i get information whitch version of preloader i need ?