New image : 2018-01-12-centos-7-lite for banana pi

New image : 2018-01-12-centos-7-lite-for-banana pi


BPI-M2 Magic CentOS lite image 2018-01-04

MD5: 91838e87b8e73d06b03b4664361bba17

Google Drive:

Baidu cloud:

BPI-M2+ (BPI-M2 Plus) CentOS lite image 2018-01-04

MD5: 3276dce46fbe614f58f5dfaeea2ad3b6

Google Drive:

Baidu cloud:

BPI-M2 Ultra/BPI-M2 Berry CentOS lite image 2018-01-04

MD5: 931d2ddc33c4ecb3f95ffca2658ef190

Google Drive:

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BPI-M2 Zero CentOS lite image 2018-01-04

MD5: bb504045a1304d135978979de0a20edd

Google Drive:

Baidu cloud:

BPI-M3 CentOS lite image 2018-01-04

MD5: 5236d94a89e43ae21c63e4b775706494

Google Drive:

Baidu cloud:

BPI-R1 CentOS lite image 2018-01-04

MD5: b6b3bba4cd54915d53dcb7e0e70239d0

Google Drive:

Baidu cloud:

BPI-R2 CentOS lite image 2018-01-04

MD5: 48c39640bd6ce11331dfdce86543e194

Google Drive:

Baidu cloud:

BPI-R1 CentOS lite image 2018-01-04


  • r1 has new switch driver with kernel 4.x
  • build the uboot-2018.01 with kernel 4.14.12 for bpi-r1
  • bpi-bootsel can support others


MD5: 1cd1c653c3a2e88601499134b6fee12c

Google Drive:

Baidu cloud:

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Thank you very much!

I am trying out the CentOS image with a BPI-R2. I have disable NetworkManager and would like to use the old network initd services, however when I reboot the R2, the MAC address of eth0 and eth1 changes.

This means that I can’t set the HWADDR in any ifcfg-eth* scripts due to the changing of the MAC addresses after reboot.

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Fix MAC address for eth1: so that DHCP always assigns the same IP address :slight_smile:

Well, this is a bit of a bodge, but works for me on my BPI-R2 with this CentOS lite image:

  1. Connect ethernet cable to eth1 (the 5G connector).
  2. Put code similar to this in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file:

ip link set eth1 down
ip link set dev eth1 address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF # choose your own
ifconfig eth0 # choose your own
ip link set eth1 up

3. Reboot and fix the IP/name in your DHCP server to make the IP effectively static.

Presumably we need a new version of the CentOS Lite image with the uboot changed so that it does not generate random and differing MAC addresses on each boot?

Even better just to put this into ifcfg-eth1, though:

[root@nas ~]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
[root@nas network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth1

where nas is the DHCP name.

good afternoon There is a version of fedora Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-29-1.2-sda.raw.xz which is downloaded from the website. Which starts without problems from raspberry pi m3 and works well.

What steps can I take if I want this to work for BPI-M2-Ultra since from the installer fedora-arm-image-installer I select the device --target = Bananapi_M2_Ultra but it does not start anything with the micro sd

There is some way to make myself a bootable image of this system for BPI-M2-Ultra

Thank you

or what steps should I do if I want to make my centos 7 image downloaded from the website for arm booteable in BPI-M2-Ultra

Thank you

hello, you could use bpi board boot image and your new image rootfs,then you can make your own new image.

thank you for the answer you know some guide how to do it or what steps I should follow since the centos 7 says the following

my sdcard is /dev/usb

xzcat CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-generic-Minimal-1810-sda.raw.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb status=progress bs=4M

If you’re running another version or another distribution, verify first that it’s supported. That parameter isn’t mandatory, but written here for convenience, to track the transfer rate status to the SD card. The ‘bs=4M’ parameter is also used for a faster transfer rate to the SD card, as most SD cards have an erase block size of 4MB

my model is Bpi M2-Ultra

uboot setup (not needed for the RaspberryPI boards)

After you have unpacked the generic image to your SD card, you just have to do one additional step.

Let’s suppose you do this from your linux laptop and that your board is Bananapro :

yum install uboot-images-armv7 uboot-images-armv8

dd if=/usr/share/uboot/Bananapi_M2_Ultra/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8 conv=fsync,notrunc

but it does not work does not turn on and give the ethernet LEDs only turn on the led R of the board

Hello, if you have interests,you could download the bpi-migrate shell script, it will show you how to make an image.

use command: “curl -sL | sudo -E bash”, you could download the bpi tools command.