Mediatek binary blobs for HW acceleration & other SOC features

What software components are required for full feature support of the Filogic 880 SOC on OpenWRT? I see that kernel source code is available (although not sure what the official GitHub link is) and there is work on getting everything upstreamed, but I’m not sure what else is required for a working build of OpenWRT, especially when talking about using specialized features of the Mediatek SOC.

Does the OpenWRT firmware rely on any proprietary binary blobs for communication with the hardware - for example, hardware offloading? I’m more familiar with the Android device side of things where the Linux source code is available thanks to the GPL but the HALs to talk to hardware are only distributed as binary blobs pulled from OEM firmware. The SOC manufacturer provides a BSP that enables Android support on the given SOC, but access to it is heavily restricted under NDA.

I’m wondering how much the BPI-R4 relies on proprietary software such as that, or if everything is distributed as source code. For example, is the Uboot and other lower-level firmware open source?

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