LED on ethernet ports not working - R4 with Debian 6.12

Hello everybody.

I have a strange problem. On my R4 board the green/yellow LED on the 4 ethernet ports always remain dark when using Debian (6.12.8-bpi-r4-main bullseye from frank-w). The ports do work and connect correclty though. Under OpenWRT the LED light up correctly showing link status and activity.

Is it only me, or do others face that problem as well?



Possibly i miss the ethernet-led definitions in my r4 dts…or missing driver in defconfig. Did not worked much over the rj45 ports in last time.

Good morning Frank,

do you have a hint for me where to look for this in the dts?

I note that the ethernet LED’s are exposed under /sys/class/leds/, that doesn’t seem correct. It is not possible to switch them on or off using the brightness or other settings there.

ls /sys/class/leds/

blue:wps green:status mt7530-0:00:green:lan mt7530-0:01:green:lan mt7530-0:02:green:lan mt7530-0:03:green:lan

Thanks and have a good day!

i can confirm, that rj45-leds are not working in my kernel

dts contains leds subnodes (also enabled and assigned to pinctrl in the board dts)

neither mt7530 dsa driver does something with leds nor the ethernet driver…seems like handled in core (e.g. phylib)…so i tried adding CONFIG_LED_TRIGGER_PHY=y, without success

with the help from @dangowrt i got it working again, could you please try 6.13-main for confirmation?

79e1c255f013 2025-01-31 arm64: dts: add syscon fallback for ethernet-leds Frank Wunderlich  (HEAD -> 6.13-main, origin/6.13-main)
ed23ff9d2966 2025-01-31 defconfig: r4: try to fix ethernet-leds (not enough yet) Frank Wunderlich

I can confirm this happened to me too in 6.12.11 :slight_smile:

I’ll check out FrankW’s patch a little bit later today.

Thanks a lot Frank, i will try later.

Possibly the patch is not needed on 6.14+ as the handling of syscon nodes changed a bit