Can not find source code of rtl8192cd

/Openwrt/package/kernel/mac80211/Makefile PKG_RTL8192CD_NAME:=rtl8192cd PKG_RTL8192CD_VERSION:=83eca3a PKG_RTL8192CD_SOURCE:=$(PKG_RTL8192CD_NAME)-$(PKG_RTL8192CD_VERSION).tar.bz2 PKG_RTL8192CD_SOURCE_URL:=xxx PKG_RTL8192CD_SUBDIR:=$(PKG_RTL8192CD_NAME)

Could not found the file: rtl8192cd-83eca3a.tar.bz2 in dl folder

i hava found it and shared:

you can modify the Makefile to change the version to an exist 8192cd package, and try to build and test

i have tried, but the patches are only compatible with the existing version in the makefile

May be 8192cd is not support in this source code, default defconfig exclude this module.

have found the source code. thank you, bro.

Hi, Could you share the information, please ?

Hi, can you share the code you’ve found? I’m looking for it too.

of course, bro. i will post the share url to 1st floor

you can see it at 1st floor

Nothing is in the shared folder. :frowning: Please try other sharing methods.

sorry… not realize that. edited

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