[BPI-R4] Wifi connection issues on Linux

I am running a BPI-R4 with Archlinux, and the kernel 6.11-rc and firmware from @frank-w repo. I am using hostapd 2.11 for wifi and I can see the 2.4GHz and the 5GHz networks on my PC and 2.4GHz, 5GHz, 6GHz on my phone (Google Pixel 6).

All the devices connect ok to the WiFi, but I am having some issues with the actual data transfers (on the WiFi connection, ethernet seems ok-ish). Packets seem to drop out to the point where I am having trouble even ssh-ing into the BPI. Anyone experience anything similar?

From what I am seeing here (on the forum) OpenWrt seems to work ok with respect to network conectivity. Are there any WiFi bands or hostapd config options I should avoid?

Unless this is a particular known issue, I’d start with changing WiFi channels and channel bandwidth and testing each setting with iPerf. I found the throughput to be wildly different on some channels even on the stock BPI image, which seems to have the most stable WiFi as for now.

That kernel does not have the (latest) wifi patches. It is only a testing kernel for running the board. I do not have a wifi board, and I am too busy on another project concerning the R64/R3/R4.

You may want to rebuild the kernel from a source that does have the needed wifi patches.

Check PKGBUILD here:


Change branch and url to whatever branch that has the desired patches.

Then build the R4 kernel with:

TARGET=bpir4 makepkg

Unlike any other pakage for aarch64, this package can be build on a x86-64 running on archlinux.

Thanks @ericwoud. I do have a PKGBUILD for your repo too. Actually, what I seem to be doing is juggling between your kernel and @frank-w whenever something is not working. Will give this a try and report back.

Hi @ericwoud I had a look at both bpir-rolling-stable and mt7988-for-next on your repo ( https://github.com/ericwoud/linux.git), but can’t really tell which ones are the wifi patches you are refering to. Am I looking in the right place or should I be looking at a different repo altogether?

Is for R64/R3 only.

Is for R4, a copy of https://github.com/dangowrt/linux/tree/mt7988-for-next

So you may want to choose https://github.com/frank-w/BPI-Router-Linux/tree/6.11-rc instead of the old copy

Don’t know if you also need to add new CONFIG_XXX’s, maybe not,