Thanks Frank! I have not tried that, though it would completely defeat the purpose I was hoping to achieve. That being, the m.2 having visibility to two or more sims so I can swap between them.
I do need to get with you on something else… you suggested I get the 7916 DBDC wifi module for it’s compatibility, but I can’t seem to get anything out of the 5/6ghz band… limited strictly to 2.4ghz…
Swapping through the sims needs additional handling (gpio or similar) so the slots are hardwired to one specific slot.
You should do separate topic for the wifi part as it is not related to sim cards. Do you see the second interface? Maybe you need to enable the dbdc like in the first driver versions.
Which os do you use? Maybe you have issues with regulatory domain…this is required for 5g/6g
Hmm. To be honest, I’m not following you. I’m just not making the association in my brain when you say hardwired and gpio to a sim slot… I’m interpreting that as I solder something from the sim traces to the GPIO and switch it via gpio (lol)… more likely I’m not aware of some capability you are referencing.
I certainly will make another topic, but just for our little chat here, I do indeed see the second interface…
I see 2.4ghz and 5ghz…2.4 is fine.
As for 5ghz, it ‘acts’ like it’s up, interface shows the SSID, but devices can’t see it. I’ve tried several channels thinking it was maybe radar interference or something, but nah, no go… When I try and change to 6ghz it just switches itself to disabled… I believe im setting the correct domain? I’m in the US, so I click US.
I’m assuming when you asked about OS you are referring to clients, I’ve got Android, Windows and Linux clients. Running OpenWrt On the bpi. I can confirm they accept 5ghz as I have another router that’s able to broadcast 5ghz and I have no issues…