[BPI-R4] Run default boot command "2. Boot system via TFTP"after the crash, unable to reboot automatically

I couldn’t enter “reboot” to restart it, so I had to manually power it off and on to restart it. I don’t want to do it manually. I’m doing it remotely. How do I do that?


MT7988> printenv
boot_default=if env exists flag_recover ; then else run bootcmd ; fi ; run boot_recovery ; setenv replacevol 1 ; run boot_tftp_forever
boot_first=if button reset ; then led $bootled_rec on ; run boot_tftp_recovery ; setenv flag_recover 1 ; run boot_default ; fi ; bootmenu
boot_production=led $bootled_pwr on ; run sdmmc_read_production && bootm $loadaddr#$bootconf#$bootconf_sd#$bootconf_extra ; led $bootled_pwr off
boot_recovery=led $bootled_rec on ; run sdmmc_read_recovery && bootm $loadaddr#$bootconf#$bootconf_emmc ; led $bootled_rec off
boot_sdmmc=run boot_production ; run boot_recovery
boot_tftp=tftpboot $loadaddr $bootfile && bootm $loadaddr#$bootconf#$bootconf_sd
boot_tftp_forever=led $bootled_rec on ; while true ; do run boot_tftp_recovery ; sleep 1 ; done
boot_tftp_production=tftpboot $loadaddr $bootfile_upg && env exists replacevol && iminfo $loadaddr && run sdmmc_write_production ; if env exists noboot ; then else bootm $loadaddr#$bootconf#$bootconf_sd#$bootconf_extra ; fi
boot_tftp_recovery=tftpboot $loadaddr $bootfile && env exists replacevol && iminfo $loadaddr && run sdmmc_write_recovery ; if env exists noboot ; then else bootm $loadaddr#$bootconf#$bootconf_sd ; fi
bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200n1 pci=pcie_bus_perf root=/dev/fit0 rootwait
bootcmd=if pstore check ; then run boot_recovery ; else run boot_sdmmc ; fi

try to break from boot_tftp_forever, then run boot_sdmmc,and to restart it