[BPI-R4] mt7988a SoC list of interrupts

I’m trying to add missing pieces to the vanilla linux kernel, but I bumped into a documentation problem.

I can’t find a list of interrupts for SoC. For example I couldn’t find a doc for interrupts assigned to LVTS nodes nor are they included in publicly available kernel repos for 5.4 and 6.1 kernels.

Any idea where to look for this and similar information or who to nag to have it published?

But i do not have much more doc,but got this info for porting mt7988 lvts to mainline

Afaik mainline openwrt has lvts support…daniel ported a hell of thermal patches back to 6.6 and afair 6.1 too

Nice! This helps a lot! :smiley:

Since I’m new around here, I don’t know who’s Daniel and I also didn’t see anything mt7988a related in vanilla 6.6 kernel, not even a dts. Is that work in some other private repo? Is there something I can do to help improve support in vanilla kernel?

There are some basic drivers including lvts and many network related for mt7988 in mainline kernel. Dts is only in our repos (but also public) and upstream openwrt.

There is some to do,but we need to sync next steps with daniel (@dangowrt).Best way is to test code we currently have imho.

There are some basic drivers including lvts and many network related for mt7988 in mainline kernel.

Yeah, there’s some, but not much. I did a diff between BSP 6.1 and mainline 6.1 to get those running along with DTS updates that I also lifted from BSP 6.1. This gave me a functional 6.6 first and now 6.8 device. I’ll be looking to move the patches I have to 6.9.

There is some to do,but we need to sync next steps with daniel (@dangowrt).Best way is to test code we currently have imho.

Yup, fully on board with syncing. I can’t volunteer too much time, but what I have I would be happy to assist. Re testing: which is considered the canonical repo for “code we currently have”? I can start with checking differences between that and what I cobbled together so far to make my use case work.

I do not use openwrt so i have no struggle with patch-files in the openwrt structure.

Daniel rebases his patches on linux-next in his wip tree

I mostly create a -dangoX tree in my repo from it to put my patches on top. With 6.9 i added r4 patches also to 6.9-main and built it via ci pipeline yesterday to have a stable kernel for my images repo.

Daniel also have a openwrt repo if you want to try this.

Thank you for pointers & info.

I’m avoiding openwrt as it’s not directly useful for my needs. Patches I’m referencing are crafted by me against mainline kernel to allow me to stay aligned as close to it as I can. FWIW openwrt for me may as well not exist. I’m not their target market.

This is the first time I’m investing time in a device that is not yet reasonably supported by mainline, so there’s that too. But I’d like to help get that support in the mainline, I just don’t know what and how to do it so I won’t get in the way.

You mentioned testing … do you have something specific in your mind that does not involve WiFi in any way, shape or form?