[BPI-R4] frank-w build - update kernel

First I would like to thank @frank-w for the amazing work they are doing in providing a easy to use build solution for BPI-R4 platform.

Now the question. I’ve a BPI-R4 running Frank’s image with the 6.12.7-bpi-r4-main kernel. That image is missing some kernel modules I would need.

I also built a new kernel image using Frank’s build system with all the module I need, bpi-r4_6.12.11-main.tar.gz

Is there an ‘easy’ way of upgrading the kernel on my existing system. Is it as easy as untaring the new kernel tar.gz in the root of the existing system and rebooting ? What can possibly go wrong …

I can try but the board is in a inconvenient location to access so I’d rather prefer to not have to dig it out if it can be avoided.

Easiest way is when you use sdcard and use the install function from kernel repos build.sh after crosscompiling and sdcard inserted in build pc

Somewhere in my branches i tried to create a script to install kernel in running system,but not rember if it was working correctly.

Basicly you can do the steps which are done while image creation,but itb is named like board without versions so you overwrite existing default kernel if you do not make backup of it

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Thanks, it worked like a charm !

ssh session, copy the packed kernel file to the machine, copy the various files to the correct destination, reboot and enjoy !