BPI-R3 SFP1, how to enable?

Hello, What is the trick to get the SFP1 port enabled? I see that SFP2 is bridged to eth1, BR-LAN, this is working good. I thought I could somehow bridge eth0 and SFP1, via coping the SFP2 settings. I did use a different static subnet for SFP1, instead of the SFP1 IP settings. This is confusing…

root@OpenWrt:/# brctl show br-wan

bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces

br-wan 7fff.1ee79636fa84 no lan0




root@OpenWrt:/# brctl show br-lan

bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces

br-lan 7fff.1ee79636fa84 no lan4








root@OpenWrt:/# ethtool eth1

Settings for eth1:

    Supported ports: [ MII ]

    Supported link modes:   2500baseX/Full

    Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only

    Supports auto-negotiation: No

    Supported FEC modes: Not reported

    Advertised link modes:  2500baseX/Full

    Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only

    Advertised auto-negotiation: No

    Advertised FEC modes: Not reported

    Speed: 2500Mb/s

    Duplex: Full

    Port: MII

    PHYAD: 0

    Transceiver: internal

    Auto-negotiation: on

    Current message level: 0x000000ff (255)

                           drv probe link timer ifdown ifup rx_err tx_err

    Link detected: yes

root@OpenWrt:/# ethtool lan5

Settings for lan5:

    Supported ports: [ MII ]

    Supported link modes:   2500baseT/Full

    Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only

    Supports auto-negotiation: No

    Supported FEC modes: Not reported

    Advertised link modes:  2500baseT/Full

    Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only

    Advertised auto-negotiation: No

    Advertised FEC modes: Not reported

    Speed: 2500Mb/s

    Duplex: Full

    Port: MII

    PHYAD: 0

    Transceiver: internal

    Auto-negotiation: on

    Supports Wake-on: d

    Wake-on: d

    Link detected: yes


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  1. SFP1 is for WAN port, it’s eth1
  2. SFP2 is for lan port, it’s lan5

the SFP modules only work at 2.5Gbps. the CPU’s mac seeting is forcing link up 2.5Gpbs.

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Thanks for explaining this!