[BPI-R3] openwrt Luci layout for the ports

Hi ! anyone know how we could change the layout of the ports in Luci, in order to match how they are on the device ? | eth1 | sfp2 | wan | Lan1 | Lan2 | Lan3 | Lan4 |

Actualy Luci is showing this :

Lucy seems to order interfaces in alphabetical order. Not sure if the order can be changed

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: haaaaa shit, thanks for the info

just found that link : [Solved] The ports displayed dismatch with the physical ones - #10 by jow - Network and Wireless Configuration - OpenWrt Forum

	"model": {
		"id": "bananapi,bpi-r3",
		"name": "Bananapi BPI-R3"
	"network": {
		"lan": {
			"ports": [
			"protocol": "static"
		"wan": {
			"ports": [
			"protocol": "dhcp",
			"macaddr": "ce:a4:39:xx:xx:xx"
	"system": {
		"compat_version": "1.1"

that’s the file jow is speaking about…but it’s about the switch page, not the overview page…