[BPI-R3 Mini] [OpenWRT] File system and partition hierarchy

Hi guys,

anyone know how to change the use of UBI layout and use rootfs_data as /overlay instead of fit?

This is my current layout:

mtdblock0      31:0    0    2M  1 disk
mtdblock1      31:1    0  126M  0 disk
mmcblk0       179:0    0  7.3G  0 disk
|-mmcblk0p1   179:1    0  512K  0 part
|-mmcblk0p2   179:2    0    2M  0 part
|-mmcblk0p3   179:3    0    4M  0 part
|-mmcblk0p4   179:4    0   32M  0 part
|-mmcblk0p5   179:5    0  5.5G  0 part
`-mmcblk0p128 259:0    0    4M  0 part
mmcblk0boot0  179:8    0    4M  1 disk
mmcblk0boot1  179:16   0    4M  1 disk
ubiblock0_1   254:0    0 43.8M  0 disk
ubiblock0_6   254:1    0 19.5M  0 disk
fit0          259:1    0 16.4M  1 disk /rom
fitrw         259:2    0  5.5G  0 disk /overlay

All threads i’ve found, there was different eMMC layout using raw partition instead of UBI and relative UBIFS.

I’ve changed “root” partition size into my custom OpenWrt built, but I think it’s the wrong way to do it…

Let’s discuss to understand better

Thanks to anyone who want partecipate :slight_smile:

Yesterday i’ve tried installing a snapshot build of OpenWRT on my BPI-R3 (not Mini) and have also found out that mmcblk0p65 and mmcblk0p66 (that are present on 23.05.3) are now gone. So the answer to @stich86 question might be also applicable to BPI-R3