[BPI-R3 mini] Is eSIM support possible?

Hello everyone! I am interested in the possibility of eSIM support.

Is it possible to implement this on the basis of BPI-R3 mini + OpenWRT?

Will any additional HW adapter be needed?


R3mini does not support eSIM and requires customized hardware to support it.

I found this " you can use eSIM normally eSIM has the same pinout as uSIM or nanoSIM. Just connect eSIM pin to the EC20 module same as connect from Sim holder to the EC20 module. " on a forum post, so if the LTE module supports eSIM it should be possible… I’ll look more into it as I am curious myself about which modules support eSIM and what kind of hardware is required for the receiving end of the sim.

Hello dear friend! Have you managed to study this issue, or maybe experiment with hardware?