[BPI-R3 Mini] Error Auto reboot after some seconds (eMMC boot) when using ssh

Hi all, I just bought Banana Pi R3 Mini some day ago (currently im using stock image). Im try connect 5G with Quectel RM520N-GL. Below is image info of device:

But i cant connect internet, i already contact BPI team, support said: I need flash newest image form wiki. Im try switch to eMMC boot for flash NAND image, but this error at title happend. Thanks!

Personally I used picocom to set 5g module to work with mbim. After that I used modem manager and luci-proto-modemmanager to set connection up. You need to do more research to learn how to set up. I used the r3 mini snapshot and installed the needed packages. After that you can go into luci then network-interfaces and add a new interface and pick modem manager for protocol. Form there you can add your apn settings.