has anyone got 160MHz Bandwidth working on non OpenWRT Linux?
As soon as i switch to he_oper_chwidth=2/vht_oper_chwidth=2 DFS can no longer start with:
nl80211: Failed to start radar detection: -16 (Device or resource busy)
DFS start_dfs_cac() failed, -1
I’m no expert in wifi settings but maybe mt76 driver does not yet support MODE_11AC_VHT160 for r3 wifi chips. You could try using some recent kernel (6.4 or 6.5-rcX),maybe there is now support for it.
I confirm I have the same issue with OpenWrt 23.05.3, the 5G (device phy1-ap0) just becomes disabled in luci interface. Switching back to 80MHz channel width brings it up again.
I will provide it when I get back to my house. Also, as I re-read the post, it said VHT160. VHT is AC. I was referring to EH160, which is AX, so maybe I spoke out of turn. But while on 5ghz with AX, I am using 160mhz and getting up to 2401mb/sec. Also I have DFS disabled during this testing, don’t know if that is why it’s working.
In any case, it would be informative to see the hostapd.conf. I am spending my time on other R64/R3/R4 related patches, so I don’t have that much time to dig in to this subject.
Hi, I’d like to know if it’s normal that WIFI initialization is very slow once AX 160MHz is enabled ?
Tried OpenWRT 23.5.05 and 24.10.rc4 on channel 36, 64 and 100, once 160MHz is enabled it needs about 1 minute to make AP scannable by clients (2* Intel AX211 + Nothing Phone 2).