BPI-R3 Debian hostapd ping with DUP!

I always bridge lan0/1/2/3/4 and wlan0/1 and never seen a DUP.

Itā€™s really strange. I used the frank-w Debian image. By default, he has only Lan ports in the bridge. Wlan0 and wlan1 have their own address ranges. I replaced systemd dhcp with isc-dhcp. From systemd network I removed dhcp from bridge and from wlan1 and wlan0. Then I put lan and wlan in bridge using isc-dhcp configuration. I connected DHCP to the bridge. I guess Iā€™ll try to go back to systemd-networkd. I will start the configuration from the beginning.

You can try my archlinuxarm image (RouTer version RTnoSFP) it has all in 1 bridge. Just to try and see how to configure.

Do you have added the wlanX to bridge directly or only in hostapd config?

Just try if my configuration works and then change things step by step

I threw off my Debian Img settings. I probably made mistakes that led to a higher number of dups.

I tested the untreated IMG Debian BPI-R3_Bookworm_6.6.36-main and the last OpenWrt. Debian and OpenWrt create duplicate packets on wlan0. I pinged at the gate of and the occurrence of duplicate packets was about 0.1%. I tested Arch Linux BPIR3-SDMMC-RUNNOSFP IMG and the duplicate packets did not create. Unfortunately, I couldnā€™t get Docker on Arch Linux. The installation was fine, but after installation I lost access to the Internet. Unfortunately, I did not start webmin either. Apparently I will stay with Debian Image and I will get a few duplicate packets with the hope of an early resolution. So far thanks!

EDIT: Windows instead of DUP! returns Request timeout.

If you want troubleshooting, youā€™d need to be more specific. But no problem if you want to stay with Debian, I need my R3 for other purposes at the moment than trying Docker.

I know Debian better than Arch Linux. But if Arch Linux on bpi-r3 was without DUP!, Iā€™d rather use it. Docker Actions: Docker installation was successful. Installing the Hello World container as well. Unfortunately, after installing Docker, the bpi-r3 lost internet access - I donā€™t know why. The installation of the Portainer container was also successful, but Portainer could not be launched in the browser. I tried to install Webmin, but it also wonā€™t run in the browser. Probably missing settings in Firewall or something.

I thought there were no dups?

Also, you would indeed need more then installing packages. Probably the default network setup of the used image needs adjustment. Using Debian/Archlinuxarm it means you would need to dive in and sort out these challenges.

I do not think you can use Webmin or Portainer on any of the Debian/Archlinuxarm images. They are probably not compatible with the network setup as it is on the selected image.

Imho docker uses iptables (userspace-tools) and my image uses nftablesā€¦possible that my rules interfere with the the docker rules (possibly docker overrides my rules). So i guess at least the nat is dropped from my rules by docker

I see on archlinux wiki they have a chapter about this. This would apply not only to Archlinux, but also to Debian/Ubuntu:


Installing Webmin and Docker was no problem in Debian. Everything went smoothly and everything runs without any further modifications.

No DUP! I didnā€™t notice.

I originally thought that my Debian configs were very wrong and that was causing the DUP! Then I found that even a clean Debian image without my modifications causes DUP on wlan0. The client and BPI were about 10cm apart. The DUP was included in about 0.1% of them. With increasing distance and decreasing signal quality, the number of DUPs increased. The strange thing is that the Linux terminal returns DUP and the Windows terminal returns Request timeout. What could it be Frank? OpenWrt has similar ping results.

Possibly a driver issueā€¦compare kernel version between archlinux and debian if arch-linux does not have them and debian does

Another possibility might be hostapd configā€¦

That sounds like the returning packet ends up in the wrong placeā€¦ No idea why.

Anything in output of:



journalctl -r

At the time it happens?