Dear BPI Team!
Could You share the Android source? I have to build own version, because I use GPS receiver on UART and, FT5x based touchscreen, but the publicated image doen’t content driver, and the needed settings
I have an BPI-M1 too, the android source available on GitHub, and I can build own fit image for it, I’d like that way for M2+ too… is it possible?
I also want to make my own android build, did anyone managed to do that?
I do not know why not to share with all this, it would be great for comunity and BPI users…
this image doesn’t do anything on my bpi-m2+.
What do I wrong?
Here is what I did:
download zip file with my mac.->
checked md5.->
extracted the zip file by doubleclick on macos (maybe not compatible?)->
dd the image on a 16gb sd-card.->
put it into bpi.->
nothing happens.->
no boot screen...
the sd-card is now not initialized, macos says now!?
any suggestions?
anyone here with this image working?
Hallo wie Spiele ich das Android Image auf mein banana pi bpi-m2+. Mit dem Programm PhoenixCard bekomme ich die Fehler Meldung das ein Script fehlt und bei dem Programm Win32 Diskimager läuft die Installation auf die SD Karte durch aber im banana pi bm2+ passiert dann nichts.
Kann mir einer mal sagen wie ich genau vorgehen muss. Ich kenn mich da nicht so richtig aus.
Habe zwar schon viele Sachen probiert die im netz zu finden sind aber immer ohne Erfolg.
Hoffe einer macht sich die Mühe und kann mir helfen.
System habe ich Windows 10 - 64bit.
Hello how do I play the Android picture on my banana pi bpi-m2 +. With the program PhoenixCard I get the error that the script does not work and the program Win32 Diskimager runs the installation on the SD card through but in banana pi bm2 + passieren then nothing. One day, I can say that I have to do exactly that. I do not know my way around. Have already tried many things that can be found on the net, but always without success.