Bill of Materials for the BPI-R4

Hello all,

Is there a document detailing the BOM for the BPI-R4? More specifically I would like to know the part # for the NANOSIM card slot connectors. I searched Banana Pi BPI-R4 | BananaPi Docs but didn’t find a relevant document.

I received a new board, and the metal shroud of one of the sim connectors is crushed. It looks like it’s just a surface mount component, so I should be able to repair it myself if I am able to find the part #

I did find a schematic posted in the “Resources” section under BPI-R4-Main-V11-assambly (I am interested in part CN15):

Thanks for any help

The BOM sheet doesn’t seem to be available, but the relevant components have been noted in the BPI-R4 Schematic. PDF Page5,6.

SIM-Nano150-085…Maybe this one? WL-SIM150-085

Great find! That looks like the exact part. Even though the schematic doesn’t list it by part #, I should have thought to at least input the search term “SIM-Nano150-085” into instead of the “other” search engines. I would have gotten that same hit