Bananan BPI-R4 + Fiber Optic network


Need your help to guide me how I can replace provider router with Banana BPI-R4 so I want use BPI-R4 place of Fiber router

Should I use this tool ? SFP or should I buy different type of SFP ?

What is the steps to make the fiber network work on BPI-R4 directly ?

I think if u want to replace the ONU/OTN device provided by ISP, u should use something called “PON stick”?

I want this, how can I replace my ISP’ ONU/OTN, which one to choose?

Which one should I buy … I want use BPI-R4 as Main router

Can any one advice the steps …

Ask the ISP for exact details about the signal, then contact some sellers and ask them if they have something that matches those spec.

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The first Step is to get THE Information about your connection: Please do not use just search common internet. Some supplier have mixed networks in every aspect! So, write an E-Mail to the service of your network Company.

You need the hardware information (TX , RX, …) and the Software requirements (protocol are used to connect).

I have good experience with:

But never tested PON (I have AON)

Thank you dude for your respond …

I appreciate if can explain more …because I confused with topics here and their about how to let Fiber optic line works on Banana BPI-R4

So lets make it simple … as I know My network provider is using PPPoE for connection …

But What I need else so I can connect SFP on my router and let it work … I don’t believe our provider in my country will cooperate with me and will share the SFP details … i’m sure they don’t know …

So is their another alternative solutions can help me to achieve this goal

if you can share the links on AliExpress will be better because i’m living in Asia Region

I’m also confused about all this.

But from the information I’ve researched, an XPON would solve all the problems, where the module itself has a web-based manager, just like a GPON provided by the provider. All you need to do is select the compatible fiber connector.

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In my case it would be an XPON SC APC Stick.

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If you still have an SFP modul → check the writings and read is by software.

Your internet provider sould help you. Please try it! In my country they have to deliver the information by law:


But you can try reverse ingeneering. Buy the router from them an look inside! After you get it run → send it back!

Please provide your internet provider!!! And please do this also in open wrt (I can see you also there :slightly_smiling_face:). I’m sure there are people from their your regin here.

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yeah … Please come to my country … You will pay for them and they will not give you a full service :woozy_face: So imagine when I ask them about PON or GPON or XPON …they will say no idea :joy:

With law or without - They will say I don’t know when you ask them from big boss to smallest …

Is this Brazil? Because it sounds very familiar to me.

Did you still have internet or not. What is your Provider?

I did not understand the answer!

Usually you have a service department which provides such infomation for free! As I posted it !!! And if not you easy ask them!

You have mony that they want!!! You are new customer! I did not understand the problem …


I think Brazeill better than us in Saudi Arabia

Great point … So I can take XPON this one and I will connect it directly to BPI-R4 on SFP port ?


How to know my fiber line or port on main router is APC or UPC ?


We can say this thing maybe when These network providers are not here in this country KSA … Only we have a two main networks providers (Zain & STC) both of them are following same standards to not share anything with costumers …

This is the idea, could you confirm for us? @Lorem_amicus

No you can not! → the wavelengths for Rx and Tx have to match! Otherwise it is useless

I do not know much about GPON but as you can see the wavelengs could be different: grafik

About your port, analyze the GPON characteristics that your ISP provider provided you, this is the type of port. Send a photo.

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Most of the time, someone would have already figured out and posted how to setup specifically for your provider. Following any other instructions is useless and you may get locked out by your provider, when using the wrong settings and/or password.

My provider equipment is “Onu Cianet Gb01”

Captura de tela 2024-10-06 140422

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@Lorem_amicus @mcd007 So now where we reached ?:cry:

Can we use XPON on Banana BPI-R4 . if its required to know (wavelengths for Rx and Tx ) how I can see it in Fiber Router of Provider

My ears are open for any advise and comment …