Banana pi BPI-W2's second ethernet port support

@otavioborges, I have connected my laptop to second ethernet port and observed that my laptop has not got the ip address. Could you please let me know which configuration has to be done on the hwnat block to get the ip address on the laptop.

Hey @sujan,

I could not crack iptables for the second ethernet port, so port forwarding and bridges between the two ports are a bit fuzzy.

Are you using DHCP? Have you got a DHCP server on the W2? I would suggest installing wireshark on the laptop and snooping the ETH packets between laptop-W2. Debian/Ubuntu has it in the repository

Please add me to the W2-BSP v4.4 kernel project (xvortex)

OK have add you to BPI-W2 github, please check it.

What is going on regarding functionality of the W2ā€™s Second Ethernet port ?

I ask the same thing. Hi. I have never built a kernel module. But if there is something you can collaborate on to build the modules of the missing devices. Here I am.

Hi, please add me to the W2-BSP v4.4 kernet projet.

I had no joy with it.