Banana pi BPI-R3 can't save anything in luci

I’m too stupid for that, can’t someone make me an image for an SD card? otherwise I can throw the device away,… I’ve been trying to do it for over 2 months now.

Sorry, try with just luci-ssl (which is actually still the wolfssl variant, we are about to change back to mbedtls, which is why I’m confused about it).

something works with luci-ssl. but what after that? can i download this as an image somewhere?

Yes, just click on one of the links to the ready-made images below. screenshot

do I understand it right? I have to put it in “Customize installed packages” and below comes out the finished image for SD card ?

Exactly. You edit the list of packages in “Customize installed packages”, then you click on “Request build” and then you can download the ready-made image below. If the exact same combination of packages has already been requested for this device, everything will happen very fast as the images are cached for some time.

I just tried it, I can get the img. Download the file, it is about 21KB in size. I can write them to the SD card with Win32disk Imager But: something is wrong with the file, the R3 shows me via UART "System halt! "

The file I see there has 21MB and is gzip compressed. Before writing it to an SD card, you will have to decompress it (like you did with previous images).

Edit: No idea how one would handle gzip compression on Windows, probably 7zip can do the decompression for you.

yeah, I somehow got it unpacked under Windows with WinRar. :slight_smile: the image is burned, the R3 boots, and lucy starts !!! guys you are great!!! Thank you.

do you have a tip which packages I should install?