Banana Pi BPI-R3 AP mode and switch back


So I have a use case that needs the BPI-R3 to switch to AP mode and back to a STA mode. First is this possible? And second does anyone have a set of instruction to activate the AP mode on BPI-R3 while using an Ubuntu image? I checked the but all it has is:

Ap mode on BPI-R3

ra0 is MT7986a 2.4G wifi
rax0 is MT7986a 5G wifi


iw list

and checkout the valid interface combinations:

As described here:

My guess is you can run STA and AP together, no need for switching. This is a bit difficult, so first setup AP and STA separate and find out how this works.

STA use wpa_supplicant AP use hostapd

There are many ways to go about this. I only have a R64 so in details I cannot help.

Maybe someone can share their hostapd.conf and/or wpa_supplicant.conf

Once you are ready to run both, you can create the two virtual wlan devices perminantly with systemd-networkd:[WLAN]%20Section%20Options