Banana Pi BPI-R2 Pro Public sale,Rockchip RK3568,2GB LPDDR4,16GB eMMC open soruce router board

Banana Pi BPI-R2 Pro Public sale,Rockchip RK3568,2GB LPDDR4,16GB eMMC open soruce router board

More spec ,please see wiki page : Banana Pi BPI-R2 Pro - Banana Pi Wiki

Easy to buy sample :

*Aliexpress shop :

*Taobao shop :

if you want do project with BPI-R2 Pro ,please contact : [email protected]

It’s looking great. Though, I really hope it will have much better software support than the BPI-R2 initially had. The BPI-R2 was a great design but the big flaw was the lack of (sane) software support.

The big push should be to get a real version of OpenWrt on it which does not require a massive amount of drama to install and which should be available on the OpenWrt site as official firmware.

official openwrt will take some time as openwrt uses pre-last LTS linux kernel (currently 5.10). BPI-R2Pro-support needs to get mainline first. that is a process that takes time…currently try to get pcie3 (new phy driver and pcie modification) and mt7531 (driver change) mainline support. RTC needs modification too.

have still an r2 running, except the buggy mt6625 wifi driver all parts should be available in openwrt

I am using the BPI-R2 on OpenWrt 21.2.03, using a 64 gb sd-card. So far, it has been very stable.

And by using such a card, I can see just what a good OS OpenWrt is. That is much more difficult to see when you’re using the typical router with very small hard disk.

I hope that this will not last that long for the 64-bit BPI-R2, as it did for the BPI-R2.

When will it be back in stock?