Banana BPI-R4 USB 3.0 -5G modem m.2 Slow Speeds (Issue)

Greetings All

This topic to find solution for speed issue modems m.2 ( USB 3 ) OpenWrt System (SnapShot)

Modem Quectel RM551E and other modems , USB mode … Where BPI-R4 using USB 3.2 support to 10GB/s

Note: Test Conducted on same location and same bands :signal_strength: …Also conducted on different three systems (OpenWrt , ROOter & immortalWrt ) same issue with installed all packages

Where the speed : on OpenWrt Router Board Banana BPI-R4 is 350 MB/s

Where the speed : on MCUZONE (Tybe C) Board is around 800 MB/s (not using OpenWrt system)

Please can we get your support to find solution ?

This case is mostly related to this one but not solved yet …

I appreciate any solution that can help us to find away @dangowrt

You have to use PCIE.

Did you try RM521-F or RM520 on PCIE … As I know , people said it has same issue

The point here also when USB 3.0 or 3.1 or 3.2 can support a high speeds above 5GB/s …Why is limited speed on OpenWrt and other systems up to 400 or 350 mb/s on banana board BPI-R4

On other hand : When I tested same modems RM521 RM520 FM190 RM551 on M.2 type C i’m getting around 900mb/s or 800mb/s almost full speed of the tower (Type C board m.2 Mcuzone)

i’ve tested RM520GL on PCIE, The speedtest i get around 390mb/s - 420mb/s down in my case i used immortalwrt.

it can reach to max 450 or 400 as per test also can’t reach to full tower actual speed , (I tried Suncomm Router X65 I got speed around 800 mb/s…) ,

I approached to ImmortalWrt team their community on Telegram and ROOter team (Developer Mr.DairyMan) they know about this issue and not solved yet

if you think that the issue is related with Low USB3.0 speed, I think that you can verify it, plugin one U-Disk into the USB3.0 port. verify the speed that writing one big file.

I hope if you can explain the steps … our point on m.2 5G/4G slot on Banana BPI-R4 same time has USB 3.2 and PCIE