I’m not sure if i am at the right topic.
I planing a automatic vacuum watter distillery. To much time takse to manual usage, monitoring and maintenance. I tought about to invest in a Pi, as a controling system for my exisit parts. Got some experience in linux and programing , and got some manual spare parts, and searched for new parts. Still its a huge change for me .
I got:
- Vacuum pump, and pneumatic Vacuum generator.
- A mechanikal vacuum nanometer.
- Temperature sensore 10K Ohm analog with display
- Optocoupler Relay to run heatpump, cooling pump, vacuum generator, and valves…
- Pneumatic magnetic valves 12/24v, 220v
- 150W and a 500W Heat pump from a old Fridge. To warm and cool
, for energy sawing…
What could be handy for the project:
- Pressure sensor MD-PS002 http://www.arduiner.com/it/home/116-sen … eight.html
- Pressure sensor switch http://catalog.vaccon.com/viewitems/swi … tch-sensor https://www.smc.eu/portal_ssl/WebConten … d=138877#s
- Found some of the infrared temp. sensors on conrad.
- Humidity sensor disstiller site to lower the temp or not
I have the basic 8 liter distiller, whant to DIY upgrade it make changes on it. Integrat Heat pump, digital watter LvL sensor, temperature sensor, coolant temp sensor, Vacuum LvL monitoring. Programing the hole set ifor me is very complicated. For the first look.
By the first step would like to set up the automatik Vacuum LVL controling with temp monitoring. Then step my step expand the project like
If the temp get higher (Evaporator site)cut of the heating.
if temp get higher on Distillery site start extra cooling.
If coolants get higher temp start heat pump
If Water LvL drops, fill( open/close valves) the evaporator tank.
If Distillery tank full, reroot to the next tank, and or shut down.
My weeknes is the programing and if u suggest other termo/ vacuum sensore with high sensitivity and easy attachable to Pi, whaiting for suggesting.
Kindly Regards Fee