Armbian Buster, Bionic or Bullseye with 5.4.y for BPI-M3

On ubuntu 16, my m3 worked stably at 2 GHz. At 2.2 GHz it was very hot and then I did not accelerate it. Also, under ubuntu 16, monodevelop is installed and works. And the microcomputer freezes stopped after creating a power supply based on a laptop power supply and a set of dc-dc.

Board support proceeds this way: while sadly those images has no support - hw has to qualify to get love from scarce resources.

We provide sources for this image and build tools. Look inside and fix what bothers you.

Armbian images are the same on all hardware and are certainly compatible with Ubuntu / Debian on user software level. If its broken upstream - on particular version - it will be broken here. Here again you need to follow general instructions for installing this and that on the internet:

After fixing the frequencies, it is not known how the script began to swear: 16: Bad substitution 16: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

the new frequency is not set in any way

The H6 CPU frequency has ben soft-capped at 1,48 GHz to avoid thermal throttling too fast. This limit can be lifted by editing /etc/default/cpufrequtils and set MAX_SPEED to 1810000 .

it does not work for me

when transferring OS to hdd m3 stops loading

And how did you do that?

used a armbian-config

Hi, today I installed the latest Armbian Bionic (from Feb 17 2020) and finally, after trying a few images, my M3 started properly. So thank you very much for your efforts!

One issue I could not solve yet is Wifi. via #nmcli device status I found: (1) Ethernet (2) dummy (3) lo - but no WiFi. Also I used the Network manager via #sudo armbian-config but could not find a wireless connection possibility either. Is there a sollution yet?

PS: Sorry for breaking any of the forum rules since I’m new to SBC and all that stuff… Any help’s appreciated

Well, I found this page before and I will use it for sure. Anyway I couldn’t find something about the WiFi problems…

Update: Meanwhile I found some other forum posts about WiFi (exaples below). It seems like the M3 won’t let me use WiFi reliably. Or has someone had positive experiences?

Other (older) posts relating WiFi: (1) “Wifi Promlem and Using External Wifi” (2) “How to use BPI-M3 wifi extebd antenna slot” (3) “No Wifi or Bluetooth..?

Hey folks, any clue of how to burn armbian images on emmc… nand-sata-install and dd don’t work anymore I get this error when try to boot from emmc:

* HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
* boot0 version : 4.0.0
* rtc[1] value = 0x00010000
* rtc[2] value = 0x00020000
* rtc[3] value = 0x00030000
* DRAM Type =7 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3,6:LPDDR2,7:LPDDR3)
* DRAM normal_mode value: 00000001
* rsb_send_initseq: rsb clk 400Khz -> 3Mhz
* ddr voltage = 1200 mv
* using ic A83T
* using axp AXP813
* DRAM zq value: 00003bfb
* dram size =2048
* card boot number = 2
* card no is 2
* sdcard 2 line count 8
* [mmc]: mmc driver ver 2015-04-13 16:05:39
* [mmc]: ***Try SD card 2***
* [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 00000100
* [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 00000100
* [mmc]: mmc 2 send if cond failed
* [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 00000100
* [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 00000100
* [mmc]: mmc 2 send app cmd failed
* [mmc]: ***Try MMC card 2***
* [mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
* [mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
* [mmc]: 8bit ddr!!! 
* [mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
* [mmc]: MMC ver 5.0
* [mmc]: SD/MMC Card: 8bit, capacity: 7456MB
* [mmc]: vendor: Man 00150100 Snr 0032bbf4
* [mmc]: product: 8WPD3
* [mmc]: revision: 5.2
* [mmc]: ***SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!***
* sdcard 2 init ok
* ERROR! NOT find the head of uboot.
* ERROR! NOT find the head of uboot.
* read all u-boot blk failed
* Ready to disable icache.

No way. Armbian is a crooked product that works ONLY in very narrow given frames. The answers to my questions were “here you have the source and go f*k”, as is customary among penguins.

The problem why eMMC does not work with Armbian was answered - even its not an obligation - long time ago. Search. Once again: since sources are open, anyone can invest their own time and resolve the problem.

Armbian R&D costs several thousands EUR per day without dealing with this board (this board is not supported, nobody is working on it) and with you. How much of that time do you cover? And nobody forces you to use Armbian. Use whatever you like.

Hey Igor… totally agree, bananapi don’t deserve the effort, (in fact, I will never buy bananapi again), but well, I appreciate if you can give me some clue to try to solve this problem, I really don’t know how to start. At least the right reference of why don’t work on eMMC (I read a lot of post and forums and the information confused me)


Information to solve the problem is the most expensive part. I would be able to tell you if I throw a week on this, which is not possible. Not this year.

All I know now is that there are different eMMC chips and support needs to be added to the u-boot. But I don’t know if this represent a lot of work nor if its possible or its just a flag.

I would say you need to check for support quality first. Some of their boards works nice (A20, H3 and H5 based) due to good upstream support. You can also try to use what they provide - kernel 3.4.y based images … they should work better, but kernel is very old, EOL, lack many new kernel functions, there is no community involvement … but you can run the hw to some degree. The same goes from the Armbian side. Kernel is modern which is good, some functions works, some don’t and some never will.

Using the image available in Armbian’s download page, I had to manually dd the uBoot image (/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-current-bananapim3_20.05.4_armhf/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin) to /dev/mmcblk1boot0, as nand-sata-install wouldn’t do it for some reason. I first did echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk1boot0/force_ro followed the steps as write_uboot_platform function from /usr/lib/u-boot/ would do, and it then booted correctly with no SD card.

Hey everyone…

I stopped using Ubuntu 16 and started using the armbian buster, the problem is that I can’t use the IR receiver. It is recognized but the getevent command has no output when I use the IR control.

I tested with the initial image ( 5.4.31-sunxi) and after the upgrade (Linux 5.8.6-sunxi) and does not generate events when it receives an IR signal.

What do I need to do to work? Thank you.




add device 1: /dev/input/event7
  name:     "sunxi-ir"
could not open /dev/input/by-id, Is a directory
add device 2: /dev/input/event6
  name:     "USB2.0_Camera"
could not open /dev/input/by-path, Is a directory
add device 3: /dev/input/event5
  name:     "sunxi-ths"
add device 4: /dev/input/event4
  name:     "2.4G Wireless K+M Wireless Input device"
could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a tty
add device 5: /dev/input/event3
  name:     "2.4G Wireless K+M Wireless Input device"
add device 6: /dev/input/event2
  name:     "headset"
add device 7: /dev/input/event1
  name:     "sunxi-keyboard"
add device 8: /dev/input/event0
  name:     "axp81x-supplyer"
could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a tty
poll 9, returned 1
/dev/input/event7: 0001 0087 00000001
poll 9, returned 1
/dev/input/event7: 0000 0000 00000000
poll 9, returned 1
/dev/input/event7: 0001 0087 00000000
poll 9, returned 1
/dev/input/event7: 0000 0000 00000000

Armbian buster with Linux 5.4.31-sunxi


Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) with Linux 5.8.6-sunxi:

could not open /dev/input/by-path, Is a directory
could not open /dev/input/by-id, Is a directory
add device 1: /dev/input/event7
  name:     "dw_hdmi"
add device 2: /dev/input/event6
  name:     "USB2.0_Camera: USB2.0_Camera"
add device 3: /dev/input/event5
  name:     "sunxi-ir"
add device 4: /dev/input/event4
  name:     "2.4G Wireless K+M Wireless Input device Consumer Control"
add device 5: /dev/input/event3
  name:     "2.4G Wireless K+M Wireless Input device System Control"
add device 6: /dev/input/event2
  name:     "2.4G Wireless K+M Wireless Input device Mouse"
add device 7: /dev/input/event1
  name:     "2.4G Wireless K+M Wireless Input device"
add device 8: /dev/input/event0
  name:     "axp20x-pek"

Moin moin,

Nach langem Kampf mal ein OS was fast läuft wie Ubuntu 16.04 :+1: Bis auf das Leid Das mein Akku :battery: mit XFC Power nicht erkannt wird. Mit Power Mangager Wird er erkannt, sogar das AC input steckt, Nur wird er nicht geladen. Hab das Kernel 5.8.6 Warum?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

hey I’ve downloaded 4 images and cant get them to ssd used etcher and win32imager would love to try it