I’m going to mount my BPI-R4 in its original metal case to a perforated plate of an electrical box. Here’s my work in progress. I could just use a 3M tape to secure it in place, but a proper mounting bracket would be ideal. Sadly, I don’t have a 3D-printer and the experience to prototype my own bracket. Would someone be interested to design one? It could also be used for wall mounting as the original case has no mounting solution whatsoever.
I would use a ziptie on the empty antenna holes - mount it to the box back and call it a day.
Just a proposal, front and back plate of the original housing are hold by 4 screws each, the screws are much longer than needed. Turn the ones towards the mountng plate out a bit (or replace by longer ones) and uses these points for adding an additional monting bracket, either 4 single ones or one long bracket at the back and a long at the front. If done in metal, it would support as well a grounding requirement.
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