The Google drive link does not work anymore. If anyone can please share it, it would be great! Thank you
Or where can I get the latest version of Raspbian Lite for Bpi-M1+
I need this image. but google drive link is dead
here is baidu link:
buh i am unable to download it because baidui requires chinese telephone number.
Raspberian Lite is Debian ported to RPi. Armbian is Debian designed for M1 and similar computer. Armbian is best suited for any project on your board. There is no Raspberian Lite for this board. Rpi foundation is not making it for anything else then Rpi. Hardware features are different which means none of them will work out of the box.
Can you please re-upload the link? The link is not working and I want to test out your Raspbian images! If you want to re-upload it, could you please upload it in Google Drive/mediafire/