BPI M3 kernel completion


I have tried to follow the Tutoriel section “How to compile BPI-M3-bsp kernel on BPI-M3” and it works fine. But my issue (as I am a novice), I didn’t understant the last task:“After the completion of the copy Uimage to boot partition boot/BPI m3 below”

Anyone can explain me what it does mean ?? Under the /boot I didn’t found any uImage to replace.


Also,i hope someone could answer this question

They mean to copy the kernel Image to 1st partition.

cp -v ./linux-sunxi/arch/arm/boot/uImage /SD_CARD/BOOT/bananapi/bpi-m3/linux/uImage

SD_CARD is the correct partition. ** rename the working uImage in case something goes wrong and you need to restore it later **