This release is for banana pi M2U board which is based on A40I, R40, V40, and it is based on Ubuntu 16.04 & Raspbian 9 & Debian 9 Operation system with kernel 3.10.108.
I tried this image on a BPI-M2-Berry (with V40 CPU, not R40).
This image uses a very old Linux kernel (3.10). With it the following problem occurs:
mounting an ext4 partition that was created with a newer kernel version (here 5.x) is not possible;
a mount error happens (see below). I also tried with mount-param “-t ext4”, but same error happens.
fsck can be done (see below): the partitions are fine, but, as said, mount cannot be done.
I would suggest to update the kernel to at least 4.x, even better to 5.x.
kernel 3.10 seems to require that ext4 has no journal.
With the following commands one can delete the journal option:
# Delete the "has_journal" option:
tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda1
# Required fsck:
e2fsck -f /dev/sda1
Now mount works!
Thx, will soon try out also the linked Armbian image with the Debian Stretch OS.
I now tried the Armbian_5.83_Bananapim2ultra_Debian_stretch_dev_5.0.10.img,
but it does not recognize the SSD disk. ls -l /dev/sd* does not list any disk,
and also no indication in dmesg for sata or ahci.
I also have added this to armbianEnv.txt:
And the system itself has appended this to the armbianEnv.txt file:
So, w/o SATA I cannot use this Armbian image.
As said above, the image with kernel 3.10 by Jackzeng has SATA working.
And soon if I find some time then I'll try to compile the latest kernel too.