I believe the image file is fine (2018-07-09-android4.4_bpi-m2z_hdmi.zip with 378Mb). Maybe the Android burn process using this Phoenix Card is the problem.
There is some other Android image that I can try on it and on BPI-Z?
I tested the linux images (Ubuntu and Armbian) both works fine. The problems I have till now were with Raspbian (wifi didin’t work) and Android doesn’t even boot my BPI-Z board.
Hi. I am developing a project that involves the “banan pi m2 zero”. The project needs to use android as the operating system and in the banana pi zero devices that I own, it works quite well version 4.4 that you have published. However it is necessary for my project the use of google services (google play services) that in the version of android that you have published are not present. I have managed to install them without problem nevertheless to be able to use the services of the play services the device “banana pi m2 zero” must be registered (you can see the information in www.google.com/android/uncertified/) where they clearly inform of the problem. I would like to know if you have planned to certify pi m2 zero banana to be able to use google services. I think this topic is key to being able to use this wonderful board in my future projects.
Thank you. Another question, is there some way, configuration or something that allows the processor not to heat up so much. It’s weird because on this board everything gets pretty hot. the camera, the wifi chip and of course the processor.
Did anyone get the GPIO pins working under Android?
Using Raspberian image I can export the Banana Pi’s pins (e.g. “echo 9 > /sys/class/gpio/export” creates PIN 13).
This does not work on Android, despite that the same gpio chip exists like in Linux (/sys/class/gpio/gpiochip0).
Any ideas?
Thanks for sharing.
I am having a question regarding the value in cfg file for setting the pin as INPUT.
I am trying to change the value from 0 to 1 however it never gets updated. Even using file explorer.
Access rights are on 777.
Thank you
I attached the class and commented in the end how I use it.
I just want to tell you that in the BPI_M2Z it takes some time after the boot to allow the pins to be exported. You can see the different status in the logs.
I hope it helps you, and if you have any other questions or it doesn’t work, write me.
keep in touch.
I did a lot of investigation since yesterday and have tried many ways to manage the GPIO.
Using below class I am unable to write into the files like cfg or direction. The only file which I am able to change the value in is data.
Not sure why – but to me it seems that the module gpio_sunxi is blocking it.
So what I have tried is to unload the module from kernel using rmmode gpio_sunxi.
This allowed me to export the port using echo # > /sys/class/gpio/export – I believe because the gpio_sunxi was utilizing the pin resources the export was not working
But I would still prefer to use the library rather then shell commands.
It is still not clear to when gpio_sunxi module is running why I am not able for exaple to change the direction. I have tried that using text editor on android and the value still gets back to 0.
Even the text editor confirms the save. Does not work via code as well.
I am using the latest Android 4.4 with Kernel 3.4.39
This firware is for BPI-M2-Zero but I have not found a one for P2-Zero.
So I assume from harware perspective is exactly the same.