U-boot boot menu and installing to NAND flash

Booting my BPI-R4 with serial connected shows me this Uboot boot menu: Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 3.51.56 PM Clicking “Startup system” boots pre-installed OpenWRT - I’m not sure where this image is installed.

Can I install an image to NAND from the booted Linux environment without an SD card?

Secondly, this post BPI-R4 install nand/emmc from serial console [solved] - #6 by poet_gusty shows an OpenWRT-specific Uboot. Where is the source for this, and how can I compile and flash it with serial?

From what I can tell the current U-Boot is the MTK U-Boot, and OpenWRT has patches on top of that?

These two links might help you.git.openwrt.org Git - openwrt/openwrt.git/commit