BPI-R4-MT76-OPENWRT-V21.02. build Error

開源BSP並沒有使用到傳統的nf_hnat module, 而是使用upstream的flowblock hnat架構 預設都已經打開了,不用額外再去開啟nf_hnat, 那是搭配logan driver使用的…


Do you mean that you do not choose to compile this, but also have the official HNAT ?

Please write in english

Translation by Google:

The open source BSP does not use the traditional nf_hnat module, but uses the upstream flowblock hnat architecture. The default is already turned on, so there is no need to turn on nf_hnat additionally. It is used with the logan driver…

The above is the reply from MTK original factory

Hello, please tell me that the firmware is turned on by default, please tell me: R4 Did he turn on 3 PPE by default? Is the number of connections 32K?

你好, 请问新驱动编译后的固件默認打開了硬件加速,那請問一下: R4 他是默認開了3 個PPE了嗎? 每个PPE的連接數有32K嗎?

Default setting is 3 x PPE with 4K table size.

with 4K table size is too small which file can i modify it?

try to trace mtk_ppe.h, then you can find the answer.

Follow instructions,finally, can only compile *.bin,no img,did i miss something?

It is an openwrt image that can be upgraded by webui.

Hello i am new user to openwrt and bpi-r4. I have a bpi-r4 board. I cloned the source code at


i am following the instructions

./scripts/feeds update -a

but got error

fatal: repository ‘https://git01.mediatek.com/openwrt/feeds/mtkopenwrt-feeds/’ not found

Can someone give me advice. I also created an image from openwrt official site with the same steps and got no error. my ubuntu: 22.04

Do not do this in bpi version this will break things. Only do this on mainline openwrt base.

You will not able to compile this repo with ubuntu22…i only got u18 working…but why using the outdated repo?

kaka, I saw the recommendation to use v.18 above. but I don’t have a computer running that version so I just assumed that the other repository had been removed.

but why using the outdated repo

I don’t understand what you mean which repo is outdated? Should I continue with the official openwrt repository and why? I have a question, why is it only a snapshot?

You refer to GitHub - BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R4-OPENWRT-V21.02

To receive updates and have less trouble installing packages.

Openwrt only got 1 stable per year and on last stable r4 support was not ready yet. Between this stable releases new functions are only available in snapshots

If you need support for the wifi and/or rss/lro you are needing the bpi-repo as these are not yet upported to recent versions. If you do not really need these you better use mainline

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@frank-w May I ask why the device’s MAC address changes every time flash new firmware image?

Afaik Mac adress changes on every reboot because the eeprom has no fixed max and uses a random one.

From which interface you are talking about?

This is not too important, I’m just wondering that it doesn’t have a fixed MAC address, I see it happening on all ports. Please advise me, do I need to extend the default memory partition? I want to use more docker i have seen dangowrt talk about this

Imho openwrt is not capable for using docker or other virtualisation. It is a router-os…

But that was one reason i have debian on my routers :slight_smile: (and easier update kernel vs. Userspace tools).

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Let me ask, why can’t I find the eMMC partition when using lsblk. I am running OS on SD card and only see the SD card’s partition image

This is because mediatek filogic chips only have 1 mmc controller which is switched via hw switch between sdcard and emmc

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We do support docker as well as podman officially in OpenWrt, and we even got our own minimalist container runtime called uxc. Actually a “router OS” turns out to be quite useful as a container host as well :wink: After all, you may need a complex network setup for the traffic between containers, or containers and the outside world.

And OpenWrt fork prplWrt even went as far as implementing support for CNI as a netifd protocol handler…