BPI-R2 new image: OpenWrt 18.06.2 source code fork

Works USB mass storage ?

Hi, Using an MT7623 Banapa PI R2 Ref board wit Openwrt 18.06.2

Having Issues with MT7530 Ethernet switch upon rebooting the device. Interfaces dont work . There are errors on mt7530 switch driver with timeout. Hence Network Interface dont work …

Any Suggesions


How’s the actual status of this project? I. e. I guess, the first post is outdated - basically a good guide (the ./scripts/feeds commands missed), but the additions and alterations after 142 posts are not included.

My old buildroot has produced a running image with 18.06.2, but now I want to change to 19.07 and I don´t know, what to change in the setup to get the actual version onto the card

Edit: just started from scratch

Alterations against post #1:

git checkout openwrt-18.06-bpir2


./scripts/feeds update -a

./scripts/feeds install -a

make runs fine

second step

make menuconfig, adding luci, openvpn and usb-storage

adding my ./files folder with my own config (procider credentails, lan and firewall settings, openvpn config)

make runs fine

third step

insert mmc support along to post #126

first run reported outdated branch and ended with error 2 (recipe for target ‘world’ failed)

second run ends w/o errors

after following the steps now I have a working version from mmc


persistent mac-address (currently LAN18 on my Windows)

package management lists packages partial only (opkg update no download from server, because of snapshot version?

WLAN not in focus, because the router board is behind metallic door and a RE450 works together with ARCHER C7 in mesh WLAN very well.