[BPI-R2] Kernel Development

i’m not that expert as it may look :slight_smile: i also did the first steps with 4.14 and without good documentation it was a stony way :wink:

Thanks. Its compiling since last 2 and half hours now on R2 itself.

:roll_eyes: that’s long…qemu was not working?

Qemu is slower for my laptop. and it failed.

  CC [M]  net/netfilter/xt_iprange.mod.o
multiple (or no) load addresses: 
This is incompatible with uImages
Specify LOADADDR on the commandline to build an uImage
make[1]: *** [arch/arm/boot/Makefile:90: arch/arm/boot/uImage] Error 1
make: *** [arch/arm/Makefile:340: uImage] Error 2
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
  CC [M]  net/netfilter/xt_ipvs.mod.o
  CC [M]  net/netfilter/xt_limit.mod.o

Any advice?

As error message says you need LOADADDR

Imho it is needed for uimage target,i do this manually in my build.sh

But official repo uses uimage_loadaddr

Can you please advice where should I add this ?

make UIMAGE_LOADADDR=0x80008000 uImage dtbs

Instead of

make uImage dtbs

And try to use multithreading with -j8 (adjust 8 to number of virtual cores)

But R2 is only 4 core and I am not aware of -j8 as virtual core

Then -j4

I meant on your laptop…don’t know if you need to enable multiple cores in your spawn session

Also you should take a look on read/write-speed

Maybe you should use ccache and/or ssd as underlaying storage

Yes it always follows the host makepkg.conf

trying make ${MAKEFLAGS} UIMAGE_LOADADDR=0x80008000 uImage modules dtbs Thanks

What is output of

grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo  | wc -l


4 only. As I have an old laptop.

Well the package compiled fine. Now have to test it on a built. So approx time on R2 with -j4 is 2 - 3hrs with active cooling. Which is not bad.

UPDATE: Installing the Kernel failed with this following error.

1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly
(2/2) Updating linux-bpir2-5.4.0-0.1 module dependencies...
/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly

Do you think it is compiling error ? or something to do from my PKGBUILD script?

Have you defined it somewhere? Maybe this is from crosscompiler and not available on your system.

I have this file on r2 as part of libc6

[12:58] frank@bpi-r2-e:~$ dpkg -S /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3
libc6:armhf: /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3

Yes It is there Before I install the Package I built and also there is a conflict, So I assume there is something I need to check in my Package

I need to refer to PKGBUILD from other device kernels to check. Till then Can you share a pre-compiled version of your 5.4-wifi branch, So I can try it manually.

I’ll upload version when i’m at home in some hours


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Hello, Thanks for the file. Difference between HDMI and WIFI files ?

Hdmi has hdmi/fbdev-driver+config (usage of hdmi-port) and wifi the internal wifi-driver

Lol I Got that But does wifi have hdmi/fbdev also ?

No one each…these are feature branches to work on each feature alone

So If I use Wifi version then I can only use device over UART or SSH. Is this correct ?